Three Week Hiatus: Day 19 August 22, 2010

Aug 27, 2010 16:35

Last night I had a really weird dream, because of what I heard that happened to my brother.

I had a dream that the hospital my brother was in kicked him out and as we were waiting for a bed to open at the local hospital my father took my brother and I out to a Chinese restaurant. My father went to the drive thru at his bank, and it spit out money at him. Then we make it to the restaurant as my brother had to use the rest room. He said he could go by himself, so my father and I waited before we ordered even though it was a China Buffet. It was an hour or so and my brother still didn’t come out of the bathroom, my father went to check on him as my brother came out butt naked, with his legs crossed in the front glass door of the restaurant. My father rushed him to the hospital as the doctors checked on him.

Then some doctor we have never seen before told us that my brother didn’t make it. My father and I were both in shock as an older doctor walked over to the doctor and told us that we were the wrong family. He tried to make it into a joke, but we weren’t laughing. The older doctor said that his previous strokes had cause permanent damage, and he had several more within the past few days.

Then I went home as I waited for more answer sitting the front porch, the day was sunny, but cold.

Well, today is Sunday and so far during Tom’s birthday week, which actually started Friday August 13th, so it was a 10 day week, has just gone amazingly.

  1. Friday 13th Matt took us out to China Buffet #
  2. Monday 16th I took out Tom to the Japanese Steak House where they sang to him and cooked at his table. Tom and I had steak and salmon, which was awesome. * #
  3. Tuesday 17th There was an intimate day with Tom. It was his real B-day.
  4. Wednesday 18th Mom and uncle Chuck came over and we has steaks.*
  5. Thursday 19th Mom and I baked the cakes. Uncle Chuck played video games with Tom.
  6. Friday 20th Tom and I decorated the 5 layered cake. Tom’s mother took us to the Golden Coral. * #
  7. Saturday 21st My father, stepmother, and brother came over for cake. I made Tom a pork roast.
  8. Sunday 22nd I am going to play video games with Tom, and he is supposed to get a couch.

*Days that Tom had steak. (3)

# Days that Tom went out to eat. (3)

character development, goals, august, drink and food, motivation, lists, time, beliefs, life changes, spirituality, new age, three week hiatus, lifestyle challenges, stress, facebook, 30 minute blogs, happiness, challenge, knowledge, positive thinking, worries, analyzing, frustration, 2010, weird analyzing, theories, dreams, psychic, mediation, drama, letting go, enjoyment

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