Jun 29, 2010 23:54
I have been working on my short stories and my vampire novel series. . . However instead of focusing on one book at a time in a particular order, I am randomly working on the pieces as the pop in my head. I just hope the piece fit together to make a big picture and that the big picture is the same as the one in my head.
I am also into a show called “Pretty Little Lairs”. However the show is more about these spoiled little brats. . . I mean I think this was more of a mystery type of show, but it’s more of show where four dumb girls are not paying attention to what is going on. They are doing things that are just going to get themselves burned in the end. I also believed A is not dead, and they had a fake person in the casket at the funeral. I also think that the blind isn’t blind . . . she is just playing everyone. I don’t know how much I really like this show.
I’m also not feeling good . . . which is starting to piss me off. . . I mean I have been fine for days and now my teeth hurt, my sinuses are sore and I tired. . . and right before I have to visit my father. I hate stress.
I am to visit my brother D. tomorrow and I still have to finish the dishes, put the laundry away, get a shower, and read with Tom, before I get to bed. I also have no idea what is going on, because my father wanted me to visit my brother TJ, and yet I think my father has no idea that Tom is coming along. . . if it is just me and my father, we would go out to eat and I have no idea what is going on tomorrow.
Online games are right now my current distraction. . .
Good Facebook Games
Verdonia (I don't have to fight and I can just build my castle.)
Millionaire City (I like to be rich.)
Resort World (Reminds me of a cruise.)
Family Feud (It's just fun.)
Yoville (They have finally made their updates interesting again.)
Vampire Wars (I'm into this game, level like 70 something, I think)
Lame Facebook Games
Kingdom of Camelot (People keep attacking me, because they are greedy.)
Farmville (I just got bored.)
My Town (The red marks are driving me nutts, I am making life around the game.)
Superfun City (It keeps locking up when I move the pieces.)
Country Life (I'm a city girl, not a country girl.)
The other games I really liked were Cafe World and Petville, but whenever they updated or changed their graphics, they would lock up my computer so I had to stop playing.
Now I am getting into Pogo.com and all of the games on there and now I figure out how to post my winnings on facebook. . . grrr these distractions are never going toe end and I have no willpower. . . I’m so weak.
no nerves,
weird analyzing,
anne rice,