everybody loved this JGL post except for me :(

Aug 05, 2010 18:00

oh my fucking god. joseph - joseph - shut up. stop talking.

i remember now why i kind of don't actually like him, as a person. i am saddened that his stans are unable to see how irritating and pretentious he is. that being said - the real reason for this entry --

he almost played the gay mormon in latter days. oh god oh god shaking and crying, i would have died :'(
also, i didn't think he was gay before reading this. now i think he's a douchebag of the worst sort - hipster hollywood liberal who cares about gay causes omgsomuch, but is ~*~totally not gay, bro not that there's anything wrong with that~*~, so ~*~not gay~*~ that he denies the importance of homosexuality as more than a plot device.

also, i am now convinced that he is quite possibly gay. wait, so. maybe i still like him. he's no RDJ, but now i can fantasize about him having sex with channing tatum! all's well that ends well.

*edit ltgmars said this in a less crazy way:
I appreciate that he means well, but the way he conveys the "okay with gay" thing is really ridiculous. He's like the guy who has something good to say but prefaces it with, "I'm not gay, but--"


anyway, i'm at work, of course. working hard. scott showed me this:

the world ending (in ice) - guy trying to rescue the mona lisa, but is attacked by polar bears in a geographically incorrect paris! amazing.

and then scott said that JGL is basically keanu reeves, and we looked at 'sad keanu' macros and lol'ed.
oh god. enlarge this. you'll be glad you did.

oh, work.
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