My head is abuzz with trying to think about the things I need to remember for teaching tomorrow. I'm going to forget something, I just know it.
I made broccoli-chickpea burritos for the week. I still have a bunch of leftover kung pao Ficken, and I got some marinara out of the freezer just in case.
I wanted to try skipping the grocery store this weekend, so I also baked a loaf of bread, and decided to finally try out my new crumpet-making setup:
Unfortunately I didn't get the batter quite right this time, so there aren't a lot of delicious pores to hold the butter:
But they're edible and I can toast them in the toaster at work, for breakfast, while reminiscing about the research trip to Australia where I fell in love with crumpets.
I'll probably just continue to make pancakes most of the time, because making these is fussy and time-consuming.
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