
Jan 14, 2022 08:55

Today appears to be a day for playing the “allergies or virus?” game. I woke up with swollen lymph nodes and a slightly scratchy throat, so I skipped rowing. The weather thawed out a bit over the last 2 days, which could lead to allergy symptoms. I took an allergy pill and zinc tab* and at this point I think I just have to wait a bit and see whether I am same, better, or worse.

I need to water the ants, too, and it sounds like my Bluetooth work keyboard and mouse *might* work with the tablet, so there will be at least a lightning-quick trip to campus, which is still pretty depopulate at the moment anyway.

I came back from travel 7 days ago, so if a virus this is more likely to be something picked up locally, from the grocery coop last Saturday, a small handful of masked chats at work with colleagues, or Wednesday’s rowing practice (though that seems too short an incubation?). Fun times.

*I recall these being suggested early in the pandemic, but haven’t heard them mentioned more recently. They can’t hurt, aside from the unpleasant feel/taste as they dissolve, right?

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