Monthly Madness {September}

Oct 09, 2012 21:34

September Transcripts:
  • nil

September 2

Sarah does arts and crafts
    September 4 “Huh. That translation is slightly suggestive and not at all what I meant. Go Italian!!” - Becca, when google translate mistranslates     September 7   Sarah: I’ve got another knock-knock joke. Courtney: OH! I want to hear it! Knock Knock… oh wait… Sarah/Becca: *laughs hysterically* Courtney: I got too excited. Oh man that was special.             AUDIO   September 8 Becca: *looks in background* Sarah, do you have a mirror shaped like a spaceship. Sarah: …no. Courtney: We can see it in the in background, dipshit. Sarah: *raises shoulder, blocking it out* No you can’t. You can’t look into it and pretend you’re inside a spaceship…         September 9
“@rebeccavoy @sarah_dude I totally wasn’t sitting in a bookstore ogling HG Wells hardbacks (and stroking the spines) and missing you #issues” - Lauren
    September 11
    September 13 BUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLL SHIIIIIIIIIT. That’s the foghorn of truth. - Courtney     September 14   Marcia: You know what’s adorable? The little bit of marshmallow on Sarah’s lip. Becca: WHY?? WHY WOULD YOU TELL HER THAT!! We had at least another fifteen minutes of adorablness. Marcia: Sarah, I am your true friend, I told you right away. Becca: Sarah, I am your true wife, I would have told you before you left the house but would have enjoyed it right up until the last minute. Courtney: Sarah, I am your true Courtney, I wasn’t paying attention.  
September 16

    August 17 Lauren: What name shall I give in Starbucks today if I go? Courtney: SKYWALKER. Lauren: ohgods I almost did that the other day! Courtney: I did that when ordering pizza once. Helen Magnus also works too. Lauren: I did Xena and Vala so far. I squeed when asked “are you Vala?” #satisfyingmoments Courtney: well played! Lauren: I have a see through shirt. I could pass for a Myka. #committed Courtney: Do itttt!!!         Sarah: *holds up peach pit* Marcia: You know not to eat the inside of those right? Sarah: *nods* YES. Cause then you get a peach tree growing inside you. Marcia: No dude. It’s cyanide. Sarah: ….WHAT?? WHY DOES NO ONE TELL YOU THESE THINGS??!         Sarah: Marcia. Wake up. Marcia: How did you know I was asleep? Sarah: You haven’t made a giggity in two whole minutes.         September 18  

    September 20 “But I don’t need hairy feet shoes!” - Courtney       September 21   LisaWind: wtf brain. you can’t just decide helen’s sleeping with her lady’s maid halfway through this fic. Becca: lol. Thank you, LisaBrain, for  that tidbit first thing in the morning LisaWind: IT’S NOT MY FAULT! BLAME HELEN. I was just minding my own business with my James feels.             September 22

Becca breaks up with Cambridge University Library - by Lauren
    September 30

GENDER: Feminine & Masculine

USAGE: English

PRONOUNCED: KORT-nee   [key]

Meaning & History

From an aristocratic English surname which was derived either from the French place name Courtenay (originally a derivative of the personal name Curtenus, itself derived from Latin curtus ”short”) or else from a Norman nickname meaning “short nose”. As a feminine name in America, it first became popular during the 1970s.

    “Just walked out of the house with my sketchbook, pink headphones and a Mars Rover t-shirt. Life is good.” - Becca

flist: sez101, flist: thefifthsister, flist: mynameisme91, flist: sanctuary_sarah, monthly madness, flist: windandthestars

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