January 14 SARAHDUDE: this is twitter. COURTNEY: incorrect, THIS IS SPARTA!!!! SARAHDUDE: I knew this… my witty friend who stole my laptop obviously didn’t. I clearly surround myself with idiots :P COURTNEY: everyone is silly but the people you meet online! Except Becca. She’s silly too. :p SARAHDUDE: Becca is very silly COURTNEY: hmmmm I’m surprised she hasn’t popped up and smacked me yet… she usually wakes up around now… SARAHDUDE: Be glad. don’t expect it. COURTNEY: are you mad?? I always expect to be hit by Becca! Cause she pops up outta nowhere waaaayy too often. SARAHDUDE: I’m hiding because I don’t wanna get hit by either so SHHHHHH and duck COURTNEY: she won’t hit you! You’re British and she wouldn’t want to spill any tea. SARAHDUDE: there is a lot of tea around COURTNEY: see! You’re totally safe. SARAHDUDE: Never been so proud to be british =TWO DAYS LATER= BECCA: *runs in and hits the both of you* I SEE ALL!!!!! BECCA: *steals all the tea* that’s what you get for being cocky. SARAHDUDE: WHA- HOW?! COURTNEY: If I was a Warehouse 13 agent I would want my name to be Dani Longmire. Agents have to have first names/nicknames with 4 letters, and Bering = bearing. Lattimer = latitude and Longmire = longitude. BAM!!! MINDS BLOWN. BECCA: alrighty Dani - what are OUR names? SEZ: *says slowly* your name is Becca BECCA: Thanks for reminding me Sezzy :) SEZ: slightly worried about u do u know where u r SEZ: who is the queen? SEZ: when did WW1 start? BECCA: Narnia. Me. When @mynameisme91 stole all the carrots. SEZ: wrong omg, omg, omg nooooo SEZ": ur in Australia until i kidnap u, ATapps and ageeessss ago between blond and red hair era LISAWIND: [discussing the state of her inbox] you guys send stuff that requires brain power &/or lots of <3 BECCA: If it requires too much brain power, I’d be happy to charge it here on my handy dandy brain charger for you LISAWIND: nice try but you’re not getting anywhere near my brain. I do appreciate the sentiment though BECCA: *pout* just trying to be helpful! You implying that I have nefarious intentions? LISAWIND: I know but yes I am. can’t help it. just got it in working order. I’m feeling rather precious re: it. Also nefarious, great word. BECCA: *sigh* okay fine. Keep hold of your shiny brain. Selfish is what it is. (& I like the world also!) LISA: punch buggy *punch* BECCA: hey!!! That’s not cool!! I’m not even there to defend myself! I’m not even in the same STATE!
BECCA: *sends link* @mynameisme91 @PaganX @mynameisme91 Okay… I… just look COURNTEY: They are adorable BECCA: yes they are :) LISA: you got so distracted you @ ed court twice… did you mean to @windandthestars? BECCA: *nearly rolls off bed laughing, tears, so dead* OMG YES! This is EXACTLY what happened bwuahahahaha LISA: lol BECCA: oh man. That was awesome. Made my day. So much so I’ll even do this ---> #BeccaFail (of awesome) LISA: lol have you been having more koolaid!? BECCA: NO! LOL it was a totally natural kind of insanity *snicker* January 15 “You know you’re totally my fic pimp, right?” - Becca to Lisa COURTNEY: Lisa might be your fic pimp but I’m your tv pimp. & a tv pimp can’t be looking like she don’t know everything. BECCA: … that is a weird tweet dude COURTNEY: am i sensing tone again??? BECCA: NO! That was sincere COURTNEY: …but that was something nice. *suspicious look* you’re not nice to me. that’s not the way it works… who are you? BECCA: Myka COURTNEY: I LIKE YOU!!! YOU HAVE A SHINY FACE!!! ALSO KEEP YOUR HAIR CURLY CAUSE IT LOOKS SHINIER. BECCA: OKAY WILL DO! *nods* LISAWIND: Holy @rebeccavoy. My inbox. BECCA: @mynameisme91 QUICK SAVE ME FROM @windandthestars! She’s seen her inbox. She’s gonna kill me. BECCA: *giggles nervously* LISAWIND: no none of that. I LOVE IT! <33333 BECCA: Oh thank god. I thought I was going to have to move to Pluto. Out of curiousity - how many emails? LISAWIND: haha pluto. It looks like 41 although I haven’t seen them all there may be some other stuff in the last half BECCA: hehe oops COURTNEY: I HEARD TONE!!!! BECCA: THAT’S BECAUSE THERE WAS TONE!! COURTNEY: THAT IS VERY RUDE! COURTNEY: you make me sad. jsyk. BECCA: you make me laugh like a dementor on crack. jsyk. COURTNEY: DAMN IT FRANK. BECCA: WHATEVER HERMAN. COURTNEY: *cough* sounds seedy *cough* BECCA: *cough* I deserved that, didn’t I? *cough* COURTNEY: *cough* yes indeed you did. *cough* BECCA: *cough* good, just so long as we’re both clear *cough* COURTNEY: *cough* it would have been nice if you had handed me a cough drop by now. *cough* BECCA: *cough* I coughed before you did, so now who’s holding out with the medicinals? *cough* COURTNEY: *cough* but you don’t like cough medicine so really I was being nice for ignoring your cough *cough* BECCA: *cough* true, but I wouldn’t have said no to a eucalyptus drop or a strepsil *cough* COURTNEY: *cough* well sheesh why didn’t you say so?! *hands cough drop* happy? *cough* BECCA: *cough* yes muchly, thank you *no-cough* COURTNEY: …what exactly does a no-cough sound like? BECCA: Like this: … COURTNEY: oh. i totally get it now. <-- sarcastic tone!! BECCA: please… no. I can’t do this again LISA/WIND: side effect of my decongestants, sleeplessness. I can attest to this. Tonight’s the worst it’s been in a while though *sighs* BECCA: naw come here. I’ll tuck you in and sing you soft kitty and read you hg/myka fic LISA/WIND: I love this plan except for the soft kitty. I don’t care how much I want to sleep that’s not gonna fly January 17 COURTNEY: come back!! im borrrrreedd, sleep is for silly heads. LISA: yuh cept I do have to go soon that pesky work thing COURTNEY: … that’s llaaammmmmeeeeeee. If I sent a narwhal to your work do you think you would get the day off? COURTNEY: HG Whal is a very persuasive narwhal. BECCA: ooooooh ooooooh! Send me HG Whal (clever lol) COURTNEY: but you don’t have work to get out of. gosh becca! BECCA: but- but- Myka Herring is lonely. COURTNEY: ……..we are such dorks. COURTNEY: @rebeccavoy … you are double @ing and @ing yourself! crazy Becca LISA: it’s coz it’s HG related and she loses her Berings and her coconut gets shredded LISA: hehe see what I did there? COURTNEY: *high fives lisa* now that was a good call January 19 “Tea. You were yummy. You were warm. You were my friend. If I can’t sleep tonight I’ll hate you forever. Or till morning. Whichever is quicker.” - SarahDude January 20 “I just watched the beginning of Up, because apparently I wanted to set fire to my soul and cry a hundred cries.” - SarahDude January 21 “Skypemate agreement article 6 paragraph 7: Skypemate B (that’s you) must allow the primary Skypemate (that’s me) to win at least once every two days.” - Courtney to Becca