Apr 05, 2012 13:56
So, I need to make a decision about getting a car or not getting car. Portland's public transportation system is nice and robust, but getting to campus is a pain (40 minutes door-to-door rather than the 15 it would be if I drove; it gets worse when the shuttle isn't running, which it only does when school is in session). It's been okay this year, but next year my commitments multiply by about 3X, as does need to be on campus easily.
So, I feel like a car would be helpful. BUT:
(a) I'm still nervous about them. I've only driven when I'm in Boston, and never with only me in the car. I would have a couple of months to fix this.
(b) cars are still expensive. Even with a friend selling her car to me for $3500 at the end of May (so about $70/month car payment), I'd still have to do parking, gas, insurance.
In order to have any hope of actually being able to afford a car, in other words, I'd need to move to a cheaper apartment. Which would give me about $200 more dollars a month.
The other alternative would be to stay where I am and use zipcars extensively. But at about $10/hour I wonder how practical (and ultimately expensive) that would actually be.
Or the other *other* alternative is to stay where I am and continue to not drive. This is certainly doable, but a pain.
I'm leaning toward getting the car, but doing so means a commitment and putting some other things in motion, and soon: looking and finding that cheaper apartment. Moving. Getting that car loan. Getting in some driving practice.
What thinks LJ?