Aug 23, 2003 03:54
i finally got my blood tests back...and i have .. dun dun dun....
but! it's NOT no one can get it from me. i guess there is two types of mono and mines a viral one, so i can't give it anyone. yay for that. so i can still share drinks, kiss people, whatever...and everything's fine. :) just needs lots of sleep.
i am teaching at jefferson with the 2nd graders this year, and they are sooo cute...i love going over to help, my first day helping was friday and it was so much fun...i adore kids so much.
i'm going to western tomorrow with amber and tasha to see alex and geoff, i'm looking forwards to it because oregon sucks ass. well sorta.
maggie's b-day was yesterday so we celebrated and then becky and i went to skyler's, it's sooo amazing in there, you'd have to see it understand what i'm talking about.
alright, that's it....i'm out.