Nov 16, 2006 20:33
well i said i was gonna flip out on the next person that pissed me off
and i did. poor zach
im tired of people not taking my job seriously.
i got two scholarships, thats more then some people can say, so obviously im not dumb.
i didnt cheat my way through highschool to be in the "smarter" classes
im doing what i want, and im good at it. im not wasting money to get a failed liver, and an std.
fuck off.
this is the first time in a long time ive felt insecure about myself because of my hair.
ive never gone this short, since i was three my mom says. (when i had a bowl cut)
i always preached but never actually experienced the whole hair makes someone feel good.. probably because i never felt bad to know
i still love when my hair was long, im never going back that long but im definantly not going this short for a while
i just feel really boy-ish.