(no subject)

Aug 29, 2005 04:09

Today, I woke up at noon for the last time. I clumsily went down the stairs

& into the kitchen, poured myself some rice krispies and watched music videos.

Then it hit me. This is the last day of summer 2005.

I turned off the tv & started to recap in my mind EVERYTHiNG that happened this summer.

I met some amazing guys that I’ll never forget,

Had some really fun times with friends,

& I grew up a lot this summer.

This summer was a summer of learning,

I learned that having a few close friends that you can tell everything to,

Is more important than having a big group of friends made up of

Bitches that you can’t trust with any of your secrets.

I learned that it doesn’t matter if you wear all Abercrombie, or stuff from hot topic,

Or any other style of clothing. All that matters is being true to yourself & not

Changing for anyone.

I learned that you need to treasure these years of being young & having fun

Because these are the best days of our lives.

They say that one summer can change everything,

Not everything has changed, & I don’t think that this was the best summer ever,

But I will always remember this summer. This was the summer of learning the important,

Simple things in life, & I will never forget these lessons I’ve learned.

Tomorrow, I start high school.

Who knows what’s in store for me behind those doors.

I guess we’ll just wait & see.& maybe next summer,

will be the best summer of my life.

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