Cookbook Challenge: Week 4 Assignment

May 14, 2008 07:28

mcsassypants just posted the Week 4 assignment:
It's time for the next Cookbook Challenge!
There's a recipe that's been on my mind to try lately and since no one else in the challenge has the cookbook its from (New Recipes from the Moosewood Restaurant - (Recipeasle)); here's how the challenge works for this week:

Find a main entree that's in a "world of the east" cooking style (i.e. anything from the eastern hemisphere. not just china or japan, although if that's what you wanna do, go for it. Just keep in mind that you're not limited to just that.) You can pick from any cookbook, even if it's not "authentic". Just push your boundaries a bit.

Edited to clairify: I'm using the definition that was used in "World of the East Vegetarian Cooking" by Madhur Jaffry: India, from Bali, Japan, China, from Far Eastern and Middle Eastern countries.

As always, you have until next Wednesday to post your results!

Unless I discover that I have everything on hand to make something tonight, I may be a bit late with this one. I'm going to a wedding this weekend, which is going to cost me most of the days when I usually do my more involved cooking.

cookbook challenge

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