Cookbook Challenge, Week 2 Assignment

Apr 30, 2008 07:51

mcsassypants has posted this week's assignment:




Oh yes. It's that time! Let's reintroduce ourselves to the Mooooooooosewood Cookbook.

And since I'm all about easy suppers and we're still kinda in this weird inbetween winter and spring season here in Minnesota and I really like comforting light food right about now:
Make a pasta and sauce from the New Revised Moosewood Cookbook. Bonus points if you add a salad or salad dressing from the salad section.

For those of you without a copy of the MOOOOOOOOOosewood Cookbook who want to do the bonus points, remember that "salad" can have a pretty wide definition - from single vegetable up to hugely complex mix of veggies involving oil or mayo or what have you.

As it happens, pasta and stuff was the plan for tonight, so I'll have to take a gander when I get home and see if what I have on hand works for any of the pasta sauce recipes. My dinner plan was to head over to Pike Place this afternoon, and buy whatever green stuff is prettiest, and that's what goes in the pasta. I'm kind of torn between wanting to buy ramps and knowing that I have three leeks I need to use. But ramps are in season for a fairly short time, and the leeks will keep. We'll see.

cookbook challenge

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