Dagnabbit, I knew I shouldn't have tossed my law books!

Oct 08, 2007 09:00

Or, "You never know when an $80 doorstop is going to come in handy." When you move, you get rid of all the useless crap you're never going to use again. Then, when you need a bit of useless crap to prop something up, you don't have anything you can use. I have some space between the top of the kitchen cabinets and the ceiling. Obviously, I don't want anything up there that I anticipate needing to use pretty much ever. It occurred to me this morning that this is actually an excellent place to display the chess set that superduckgirl made for us. It is ceramic, rather fragile, and a bit large to be practical. Trouble is, there is also some moulding at the top of the cabinets, so I need to raise the shelf up about four inches for the pieces to be visible. Two inches isn't quite sufficient, as I discovered when I tried employing superduckgirl's two-by-six for the task. Civil Procedure and Constitutional Law would probably have been perfect. So now I'm debating whether I want to mount the shelf to the wall, go to The Home Depot for two pieces of wood measuring 2x10x30, or keep prowling the house looking for something with which to prop the shelf up.

I briefly considered cans of beans, tomatoes or other food storage type things, but I'd rather not have that sort of thing be inaccessible. Thoughts? Suggestions?

UPDATE: I decided to go with a pair of 2x10's, which work quite well. Now I'm trying to decide what else goes up there: decorative objects that I am almost never going to actually want to get at.


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