Oct 10, 2008 20:38

Coming at you live from Cordoba, Cordoba.

Adi and I took the bus together from Hinojosa to Cordoba so that we could get get our permiso de estancia (residency permit). We took the bus leaving at 7:20 AM and arrived at about 8:50 AM. One of the workers at the delegacion de educacion had made a special arrangement for all of the language assistants in the Cordoba province to take our documents all together and go to the police station so that we wouldn't have to go and wait in line ourselves. I'm pretty greatful for that. Adi and I almost decided just to go to the police station ourselves, in hopes that we could get this done in one trip, but the lines there really ARE ridiculously long, so, forget that! So yeah, I'll just go to Cordoba again once I find out my appointment at the police station.

So after that, we met up with Meli and Lerry (my CIEE friends I met in Sevilla!) and we also met up with Chris and the five of us went to the Mezquita (I WILL upload photos I promise!), which was BEAUTIFUL. We then just kinda hung out for awhile, and now we are chilling at the apartment of some other CIEE participants, which is where I'll be staying this weekend.

I'm having a pretty good time here in Cordoba. It's refreshing to be in a big city, after having spent a whole week in tiny Hinojosa. And it's also refreshing talking to other CIEE participants. Of course, that's why it's good for me to be in a tiny town-- so that I'm not always hanging out with other Americans and not being immersed! But see, for a weekend this is fine. PLUS, I am SO enjoying having fast internet. Of course, I'm using someone else's laptop, but hey.

That's all for now!

travel, cordoba, ciee

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