Dear Friends and Family,
It’s that time of year again! School’s out, swimsuits are in, the heat’s beginning to borderline ‘unbearable’ and the community pool has more activity each day than a venue downtown has on a Saturday night. My favorite part of this season however is not the endless supply of popsicles or sleeping in until two in the afternoon but rather, the adventure I have the chance to take part in every year!
For the last three years, I've been able to partner with an incredible non-profit organization known as Children of the Nations. COTN believes in partnering with the nationals of the various countries they are established in to provide Christ-centered care for orphaned and destitute children, enabling them to create positive and lasting change in their nations. COTN sees itself as a “movement of people” gathered by God to provide quality care to children under His guidance. They are not a “missionary sending” agency but rather an organization that utilizes individuals from around the globe and tapping into their talents in a professional manner, which strategically assists the overall mission in accomplishing its goals.
I've had the incredible opportunity of assisting in three venture trips in the past, in which a team from Celebrate Church has been able to acknowledge the needs of various bateys (small isolated farming camps of the Dominican Republic) and meet them through the means of action and prayer. In some cases their need was running water while in others it was clean underwear and in another it was completing a basketball court for the youth of the community to enjoy. In absolutely every village however, their need was encouragement, love, and fellowship; it was God's light in a spiritually dark, poverty stricken environment. Throughout the years I've established relationships with many teenage girls as well as some of the younger children in the Dominican Republic. I have had the great pleasure of seeing them grow both in their faith and as leaders in their communities. My role in their lives is to continue supporting them in any way possible, continue walking alongside them toward their success, and continue fighting tooth and nail against circumstance and discouragement. I know that my mission in the Dominican Republic will never end as long as the passion in my heart for these beautiful people and their dreams remains fervent.
Having said that, I'm excited to announce that this upcoming summer another venture trip is in the works! Celebrate Church will be sending a team to the Dominican Republic the last week of July to further fulfill the mission to "go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." Mark 16:15 In asking you, my friends and family, my neighbors and teachers, to partner with me in this adventure, I'm stepping out in complete faith that through God the impossible will become possible. This has been a struggle for me and, as you can imagine, incredibly humbling. I almost didn't write this letter, which is why it hasn't reached your hands any sooner, I was simply going to sit out on this trip but my God is greater than my need and I know that if His will is for me to be part of this team, it'll happen - which is why I'm trusting. I hope that my words, or passion, or even my simple faith, will move your hearts to support me in finances and in prayer. Know that in choosing to do so, you're not only investing in my future but in the future of the youth in the Dominican Republic. The total cost of the trip including travel, food expenses, and lodging is $1,200.00.
My ultimate dream is to someday study International Affairs, Global Business, and Non-Profit Management in order to pursue an occupation that will allow me to continue traveling the world, caring for the "least of these" Matthew 25:35-40, and letting my light shine. I someday hope to serve in Thailand and in India, in Africa and in the Amazon - these experiences in the Dominican Republic are only encouraging those dreams and growing me as the individual that will be able to fulfill them.
You are welcome to donate online
(here's how!) Thank you for your time, your prayers, and your consideration! Know that your support is extremely appreciated. Please let me know if you'd like to receive a copy of my prayer list and/or updates about the trip and progress. :)
Have a lovely day ♥
Alright livejournal, most of you have been on my friends list long enough to read about my past trips but never before have I tapped into this resource and asked for your assistance. That's changing today. I've got a month to raise the funds and God willing, I'll be departing at the end of July. Let's do this.