Rebecca almost wants to open the windows.

Sep 01, 2009 16:30

I haven't barfed or gotten a serious stomachache in so long that I'd forgotten how bad they can really be. Until this morning. I ate some Lay's potato chips yesterday, yes, but I really don't think I ate enough to merit that. I usually try to watch how many of those things I eat, for precisely this reason.

I finished Catching Fire last week. Forget about biting my nails. That ending was so intense that it had me chewing on my fingers. Sara and I are making a file of useful information, hidden clues, character lists, and things to keep track of for the third and last book. We're also trying to make a map of Panem, but since neither of us know too much about American geography, it's tough. Suzanne Collins has put so much forethought into the story that she must have created a map; if only she'd release it. But she probably doesn't want us to know where District 13 is.

The weather has been so cool and pleasant lately. I think I'll log off right now to go for a bike ride. Or go lie in bed. That damn stomachache woke me up so early this morning.

can't stop barfing, hunger games, books, health

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