Rebecca's post-Harry Potter series isn't Twilight! It's The Hunger Games!

Aug 20, 2009 21:45

There are few things I hate more at work then opening the day after I've closed. Yesterday we didn't get out of the store until 11, and this morning I had to be there at nine. Back to school... well, words can't even describe how bad it was. Yesterday and Tuesday, I seriously considered quitting. At least it will all be over by the end of this week. That is the only thought that's kept me sane.

Luckily, after the insanity of yesterday, I got just the pick-me-up I needed when Sara came home from work.
Sara: Guess what this is?
[Sara holds up some book. There is no title on it, and I couldn't read it anyway because I'd taken my contacts out.]
Me: What is it?
Sara: It's Catching Fire!
I almost grabbed it right out of her hand. Catching Fire is the sequel to  The Hunger Games; I read it last year and from the very first page, I literally could not put the thing down. Sara and I have been waiting for Catching Fire all year. It hasn't even been released yet, but she got an advanced copy because she has Power. I have not been this excited about a book since Harry Potter! I'm signing out right now to go read it.

hunger games, books, back-to-school woes

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