Rebecca is all wheezy again.

Jul 07, 2009 14:12

Well, I had a thoroughly awesome 4th of July this year. We had brownies with icing and red and blue sprinkles by Grandma; rice krispy treats decorated to look like little American flags by me; fruit pizza topped with strawberries and blueberries by Aunt Connie; and some non-dessert food, too. The summer has been too dry for fireworks, so Eva and I had a water-balloon fight instead. She won. I gave her some of the extra popsicle molds I bought online, and she filled one with pickle juice right away to make a pickle-sickle.

Later on I went for a bike ride with Eva and Uncle John, who opted to ride Eva's old pink, sparkly bike. It was straight out of The Goonies, especially when we passed a group of teenage boys on bikes. Random boy (sarcastically): "Nice bike, man!" Uncle John (proudly): "Thank you!" That night, we climbed up on their roof to watch the fireworks. Eva clambered right up the ladder like a monkey, while I went up one rung at a time, shaking and asking someone to hold the ladder. I have the same problem going down steep staircases.

In other news, the recession really is hitting everywhere, including the can-collecting sector. I brought in several bags last week, only to discover that the recycling company I sell them to has lowered their price from fifty to thirty cents a pound. I've started collecting cans in earnest again to make up for it. My goal is to turn thrown-out cans and spare change into things I want.

4th of july, fun times

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