Rebecca's Recap of Summer 2023

Sep 13, 2023 21:14

I really haven't done well at updating this blog during the summer for the last few years. I seem to start the year aiming for at least one entry a month for the sake of posting first sentences, but then I hit a slump. This year, I didn't recover from it until vacation time rolled around. Sara and I are making plans for it now. We won't be flying off to big, expensive city like we did last year and the year before. We'll be vacationing via car a little closer to home (and hopefully a little cheaper), but I think we'll still enjoy it. The tornado kinda set us back in a lot of ways this year.

There hasn't been much else worth posting about. Summer here was not quite as brutally hot as it was last year, and I tried my hand at growing cucumbers in the back yard after Athena gave me some starter plants that someone gave to her. I actually got a pretty good crop of them, too! I picked a lot all through June and July. I had them just growing along the ground (not up a trellis or anything), and Sara was actually better at finding them than I was. Our backyard is still in such awful shape since the tornado that I was pretty amazed that the cucumbers did so well. The tornado took out almost all our trees, so the backyard has a lot of rock-hard, bare dirt patches baking in the sun all day. I've been trying to get grass to grow, but I haven't done very well. Oh, well. The house and the front yard still look okay.

A few other things for this summer: Sara and I went out to see the Barbie movie (I think it was the first movie I'd seen in a theater since WW84, and I refused to wear pink for it, even though she tried to make me) and to a local The Chicks concert, which we really enjoyed. I joked with Sara that she should've counted all the women there wearing cowboy boots, but there were too many. Martie and Emily both looked amazing! They seriously look like they hadn't aged a day since Sara and I were in high school singing along to their early hits during all those trips through the forest in Mom's car. We also had new flooring installed in the spare room (finally), a 3rd birthday party for Lydia (Sara got her a Baby Yoda plushie that she loved), and I climbed to the top of a local mountain. I got into the habit of going for walks every day and  rewatched a lot of Titanic after the submersive imploded (and boy, was everyone talking about that for a while).

Currently reading Little Clearing in the Woods and An American Wife. Walking average 3.5 miles a day.

movies in theater, fun times

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