"We've had one, yes, but what about second vacation?"

Oct 30, 2021 11:51

Re-entry from our vacation wasn't exactly fun. It wasn't "ah, home again" like it was coming back from previous vacations. It was more "oh yeah, this place again." This was the first vacation that we'd taken since moving to this house, and living here still freaks me out in a lot of little ways. (And next month will mark 2.5 years here. Fun.) I was tired and cranky, and the house was too hot and smelled strange and stale. At least the cats were happy to see us, and we had a few days off at home before we went back to work.

We got back to L-city just in time for chilly weather, and soon, we'll be turning the clocks back an hour, too! Ugh x 100!!! And as always seems to happen after I get back from vacation, things at my job were really busy. My first week back had some long evenings and a lot of overtime, but I'm not complaining because I just spent a lot of money in Chicago. My coworker Sh---- is leaving us, and on her last day (yesterday) she actually brought in donuts in for the rest of us.

Athena and her kids went traveling, too, and they're in SC right now staying with her parents. I know they're all having fun, but I had a bad dream recently that they decided to move there permanently, and Sara and I were left on our own in this state again. It left me unsettled for the rest of the day.

chicago, work: rcp, dreams

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