Letter from Aunt Carla, January 30, 2006

Jan 30, 2006 11:24

Hi Sara & Rebecca,

I hope you are both feeling well. We are fine here and enjoying the gorgeous day we're having - it's warm & breezy with lots of sunshine.

Uncle Chris & his wife Susan came to visit on Saturday - they had plans to stay for the week but took off this afternoon to head back to Alabama - Susan has a heart condition and they both found the humidity & heat made it hard for them to breathe comfortable - Chris still smokes alot and likes it really cold - he ran the air conditioner at night even though it was down in the 50's. I worked on Sunday, but Uncle Chuck & Aunt Tina and Celeste & her family and Connie & her family all got together to visit that afternoon - Grandma made gumbo & crawfish pie - she called your mom & left a message on her answering machine, but I guess everyone was busy and couldn't make it. We haven't seen Adam since the holidays. Ben came by one afternoon, but didn't have much news, although it was nice to visit with him. I'm sending money for you both - either treat yourself to a pizza or sandwiches, or use it however you'd like.

I miss you both! Take care.

Love, Aunt Carla

family letters etc

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