Apr 13, 2020 20:44
Well, this Jewish girl made it all the way to Easter Sunday and kept up her "sacrifice" for Lent. My goal was to eat out only once a week. Obviously, the Corona virus outbreak became a thing during this time, so that made it easier. I don't think any restaurants are even allowing dine-ins anymore. Sara and I have both been trying to eat out less and eat cheaper foods at home. She has also been working from home for a few weeks now (which would drive me freakin' insane).
We miss going to the library like crazy, but we've found other hobbies until they reopen. Sara's been doing puzzles like her life depends on it, and I added a workout channel to our streaming service and have been trying to use it regularly. This time has really made me appreciate having Netflix! Since I can't check out library books, I've been using the time to reread Watership Down, which is still my favorite book ever. It's been great to revisit it and rediscover how good it is. Right now I'm at the chapter where Bigwig first enters Efrafa.
I didn't get to go to a seder for Passover this year because obviously, nobody is hosting them, which was disappointing. I love a good seder. I didn't even get to see The Ten Commandments like usual because ABC broadcast it a week early this year and stupidly didn't say anything about it. But Athena and Abram came over on Saturday for an early Easter/Passover celebration, and we all really enjoyed it. We hadn't seen them in way too long because she's been taking the quarantine very seriously. I had a box of matzoh bread and made charoset, which actually turned out pretty well, although it was tricky to make without a food processor. We also made rice dressing, and Athena brought ice cream. The weather was so nice that we ate outside on the lanai (after we swept off all the pollen). Athena bought a dozen plastic eggs filled with candy, and Sara bought a dozen biodegradable eggs filled with confetti. We placed them in plain sight hid them in the yard, and Abram loved running around finding them. The look he gave me when I suggested he crack one on his head was pretty funny.
I'm glad the weather cooperated on Saturday, because yesterday, a cold front blew in with all the rain, and now it's almost as cold as winter! Ugh!!!
fun times