Another late night post because Rebecca can't sleep again...

Mar 12, 2008 01:20

I can't sleep. Maybe it's because I'm depressed that my time in France is almost over. Maybe it's because of my damn right hand and all the pain it's still giving me.

On Monday evening, Sarah, Marlene, Mariana, Marina, Nakeisha, and I were all in the computer room. So many of us haven't been in the computer room at once in a long time. Mariana had this rough, hand-spun, colorful traditional Mexican dress with her; she had brought it to her class for International Womens Day, and Sarah actually put it on over her clothes. The dress was small, but Sarah is such a short Asian person that it was a little big for her. And then she took the scarf that Nakeisha always wears - it's in the Jamaican flag colors, black, green, and gold - and tied it around her waist. I said she was "Jamexinese."

Sarah also told us about an article about this young male teacher in China who's "too handsome," which is causing problems with the female students. I said that none of the teachers at this school had that problem, and I joked, "Oh, Monsieur Courtines (the school principal), vous etes trop beau!" Mariana almost fell over laughing and exclaimed, "Attendez, c'est trop!"

Later Nakeisha asked if any of us had a movie she could borrow to show to her video club. It's mostly boys, so she wanted an action movie. "Sarah, do you have any Jet Li? Jackie Chan? You're supposed to be Chinese!" I can't really write the way Nakeisha talks, but it was hilarious. Sarah was confused. Eventually I ended up lending her the DVD of Return of the King that I checked out from the mediatheque last week.

[Transcribed from my paper journal.]

lycee, paper journal, the things we say, fun times

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