What's worse than when your Review Tag stalls out the game?

May 20, 2017 23:24

For some reason, I decided that May would the month to do everything that I've been putting off doing. Among other things, this included going to the eye doctor and getting a new eye prescription for the first time since I moved to this freakin' state! (And May 1 marked four years since that happened, which is hard to believe.) Along with new contact lenses, I also got new glasses. They just arrived in the mail today, and while the frames are different than they looked online (big, black, and square, almost to a Buddy Holly degree), I'm so geekily excited to have glasses again that I don't even care! It has been a loooong time - almost seven years, apparently! - since I had a backup pair of glasses, and I was so tired of having to put my contacts in and keep them in for as long as I needed to see something.

Sara and I went to the Greek Food Festival today. We'd never been before and really enjoyed it. (I grudgingly have to admit that it's bigger than the Jewish Food Festival.) I tried Greek fries, which were potato wedges topped with Feta cheese, olive oil, and spices, and loukoumades, fried dough balls topped with honey and cinnamon. I bought some baklava and a few other desserts. We spent a lot of time looking at the vendors' wares, even though we didn't buy anything. There was so much cool art, glass work, jewelry, windchimes, and other crafts. We toured the Orthodox Greek church, which was interesting. This Jewish girl has never been in many Christian churches that weren't Catholic. The Greek church had a lot paintings of Greek saints on the walls, but no statues.

Sara fell asleep during The Kiss of the Spider Woman and is still asleep on the couch as I type this. Mayim is sleeping on the stairs, Tovah is asleep in my room on the plarn, and I'm up late rewatching Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (my new obsession in fanfiction), even though I should be doing some yoga stretches for my IBS. Tomorrow.

doin' stuff, white & nerdy, right now

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