All Rebecca's life, she's been waiting for, she's been praying for...

Jul 09, 2014 19:29

The new guy at work, D, can be very annoying. Fortunately, most of the time, I don't have to work with him directly, but today, I had to make a long delivery drive and take him along so he could see where some of our vendors are. It. Was. Grating. D apparently doesn't believe in Driving In Silence, ever. He sang along with the radio. And clapped his hands. And danced in his seat. When he wasn't doing that, he had to comment on every - single - little - thing that we passed. Ugh. He's also figured out that we live in the same apartment complex. (This is one of the downsides of having a bumper sticker that says "God loves a duck.") Thankfully, it's big enough that I don't think I'll ever bump into him in the parking lot or anything. He's definitely made me appreciate how quiet A is. We still haven't found a replacement for B.

Lately we've been doing a lot of printing for this huuuge local church. I haven't been able to figure out what denomination it is, but I've had to make a few deliveries there and it's so big, it's scary. It's a lot of buildings, with the office on this steep hill, and all surrounded by tall iron gates; it makes me think of some brainwashing compound. Judaism isn't really like that, so the concept of megachurches is pretty strange to me. There was a banner outside the office saying We Stand With Israel, which is when I really started to feel freaked out. Call me paranoid, but I'm very suspicious of Christians who zealously support Israel (or claim to). I'm not the only Jew who feels that way, and I think I have a good reason. I've had very nasty encounters with a few of these people who've made it clear to me that they love Jews in Israel, but they do not want Jews in their neighborhoods, in their towns, going to school with their children, etc. I'm sure not all Christians who support Israel feel that way, but I'm still suspicious that a lot of them only support Jews who fit their narrow concept of how Jews should be/act, or do it because they think we're going to accomplish something for them.

Speaking of, I had fun at the waterpark last weekend, but the drive there made me hella uncomfortable. It was in a small town, and everywhere you looked, there were nothing but churches, gun stores, confederate flags, signs blasting Obama, and huge aggressively prosletyzing billboards. Ugh! We'll probably be sticking to the waterpark here in the city from now on!

life, life in the south, work: rcp, being jewish woes

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