Who knew volunteering could be so fun that you'd pay for it?

Feb 01, 2014 17:05

The tail end of this week was pretty stressful at work. The state branch of Jewish Federations of North America is hosting a big event tonight, and I'm starting to realize that big Jewish events mean a lot of work for me. On Thursday I worked so late that I was almost late to Judaism 101 class (oh, the irony) and on Friday, I worked so late that I did miss most of the Shabbat service. I almost didn't go, but I'm so glad I did, because the temple happened to be giving away free CDs! I can never say no to free stuff, so I got two, one of Shabbat songs and one of High Holy Days songs. Then when I finally got home, guess what was waiting in my mailbox? An Alfie Boe CD! I finally bought the one where he covers my favorite hymn, and finally getting hear him sing it was so worth the wait. It was also just what I needed after a long stressful day.

One of my resolutions for 2014 (okay, my only resolution) was to start volunteering. This weekend, I finally did it! This morning, I went to a volunteer training session at the local Humane Society animal shelter. I was worried I wouldn't like it, but then I remembered that unlike human interaction, pretty much any interaction with animals is a win-win for me. The other volunteers were so nice, and once we learned the protocol, they let us take dogs outside their kennels to the dog-park. It was so much fun running around with them, throwing balls and frisbees, and just being around dogs again. I walked four dogs, petted a lot of cats in the cat-room (the same one where we found Mayim), and didn't want to leave. The dog who stuck out to me the most was a female German Shepherd named Dessa. She was so very shy and timid. She cowered when I tried to push a leash on her, and once in the dog-park, she was more relaxed, but still wasn't keen on me getting close to her -- which, combined with her dark color, doesn't look good to potential parents. It's a no-kill shelter, so she can stay there for as long as need be, but I want to go back next weekend and try to get her to come out of her shell a little.

animal shelter volunteering, work trauma, doin' stuff, fun times

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