I did enjoy my three-day weekend courtesy of the foul weather, but there was a definite downside to it, too. Muse Watson (my car) was practically buried from sight beneath all the ice and snow, and trying to dig him out was grueling. On Saturday, I spent almost an hour sitting inside him with the defrost blazing, then (like an idiot) trying to scrape the ice off his windshield with some stiff cardboard I had in the backseat. I had to enter through the passenger side, because three of his four doors were actually frozen shut! There were also icicles hanging from his mirrors and bumpers. And even though I was bundled up in my boots, jeans, coat, gloves, hat, etc., it was so freezing cold that when I went back inside, I was seriously almost crying from the pain in my fingers and toes (and Sara made fun of me for it). Ugh. Our parking lot was coated in ice too, and I couldn't even get to my car without slipping and sliding and almost breaking my tailbone!
Fortunately, Sara's truck wasn't quite as icy as Muse Watson (although her flat-bed has turned into a miniature, rock-solid, four-inch-deep skating rink!) and on Saturday, we were brave enough to try driving. We went out and bought two ice-scrapers, and after that, cleaning off Muse Watson was relatively easy! Shehekianu!
Today, finally, the weather was a little warmer, and even though the sky was clear blue, all afternoon you could hear the sound of running water outside. Everything that stood still had been coated in ice over the weekend, and today it was finally all melting away! From what I've heard from people who've lived here longer, weather like this is not typical. I keep telling myself that if it does snow/sleet like this again, I'll deal with it much better now that I have this experience under my belt. You scrape ice, you learn.