You're never too old for Gatti-Land... or NCIS!

Dec 12, 2012 17:44

Big Brothers Big Sisters hosted a free pizza party at Mr. Gatti's yesterday evening, and y'all know I can't say no to free food, so I took Briana. We actually both had a fun time. We each got a free buffet and drinks; I ate all the pizza, dessert pizza, breadsticks, mac and cheese, and cucumber slices I could hold, and I tried a new kind of pizza with barbecue sauce, chicken, and onions (it was yummy).

BBBS was also giving all the kids five dollars worth of tokens to play in Gatti-Land. I thought Briana might not want to do it, because she's older than a lot of kids in the program, but she said, "You're never too old for Gatti-Land!" so we went there after we stuffed ourselves. We played basketball and a few other games with another really nice Big & Little Sister; the girl to Briana's school, and she and her sister had been matched together for four years -- wow. Briana won way more tickets than I ever did and spent them on candy and a heart-shaped tube of glittery lip-gloss.

So I missed seeing yesterday's new NCIS episode "live," but I stayed too late and watched it online as soon as I got home from Gatti's. My notes run a little long because I honestly don't think I could find one thing to dislike about this episode! It was priceless!

Notes on episode 10x09 The Devil's Trifecta

Featuring Fornell, last seen in Extreme Prejudice, and Diane (Fornell and Gibbs's ex-wife), last seen in The Devil's Triangle.

Writer: Steven D. Binder ( Phoenix)

+ Nice suspenseful opening with Fornell in the drive-through. I jumped a little when Brown started shooting him (thank goodness for that bullet-proof vest!) and it was also a nice harken back to The Devil's Triangle, which opened with Diane's current husband, Victor, picking up fast food. And remember Fornell's “I thought you were picking up cheeseburgers” line in Short Fuse?

+ Tony taking over at the crime scene so that Gibbs could check on Fornell.

+ “He ruined my favorite jacket. I'd've shot my own mother.” The interaction between Gibbs and Fornell at the crime scene was very touching for its brevity. It showed you how much Gibbs really cares.

+ I lol'ed at several of the team's lines at the crime scene, especially “Remind me never to get on your bad side” and “Receive any threats lately, Agent Fornell?” - “Just from my ex-wife.” Hahaha!

+ Gibbs and Fornell's reactions when they bumped into Diane at the bar were priceless, especially how they both backed away from her a little. I watched this bit over and over!

+ Oh my goodness, the entire conversation between Gibbs, Fornell, Diane, and the bartender was gold, especially with Gibbs shushing Fornell and both of them repeating the bartender. I died laughing!

+ The Three Musketeer's reactions after bringing Diane to interrogation were brilliant, especially “Are you really gonna slap your ex-wife with an obstruction of justice charge?” - “Yes!”

- Geez, product placement much with McGee's PNY flashdrive? Our store sells those, and I do not want any part of my job creeping into NCIS! Ugh!

+ Ooh, Diane carries fake IDs - a nice twist.

+ “She finally hired a hit-man to take me out like she's been talking about.” Damn, Fornell needs his own show. I love every line out of this man's mouth!

+ Tony's “I'll bet she's a panther in the sack” after Vance charged into interrogation and Diane stormed out. I loved how Gibbs and Fornell made Tony interrogate her while they watched in observation.

+ So Diane is an agent now - another good twist. I loved Vance announcing that she, Gibbs, and Fornell would be working the case together, then practically having to pull them all apart.

+ Gibbs's little smile when Diane complimented him on his team. Awww. I think Hollis Mann made a similar comment to him once.

+ Abby saying, “This is gonna be good” and sipping Caf-Pow when Gibbs and Fornell were arguing over who Diane should stay with.

+ I loved getting to see McGee's house again. I think the last time we saw it was way back in Cover Story, so my memory is fuzzy, but he seems to have the same place. I loved the shelving unit full of old hard drives and the dart board and huge map (of what? I couldn't tell) on the living room wall. And of course, he still has his typewriter out!

+ The entire scene between McGee and Diane at his house. So wrong - and so, so hilarious! I was banging on my desk and laughing so hard at poor McGee. He might never recover!

+ Tony, Ducky, and Palmer all ganging up on McGee in autopsy to find out what happened when Diane spent the night at his place, especially “As much as I find your sexual escapades interesting...” Damn, I love that duck!

+ Meanwhile, back in the bullpen, Ziva is also trying to get information out of Diane about what happened.

+ Gibbs and Fornell's reactions when Diane started barking orders at them. I loved Ziva's little smirk at Fornell; it was a nice subtle complement to how she glared at him when he made that “They do stick together” comment to her earlier.

+/- Fornell hinting that Diane wanted to get back together with Gibbs. I don't think it will go anywhere, but it was an interesting thing to throw in there. Gibbs proposing to Diane again, though, was just a tad over-the-top for me.

+ Damn, how delicious did Ziva look in those jogging clothes in the park scene? I love seeing the team operating in public, while pretending to do normal stuff, like that awesome bachelor party op in Up in Smoke.

+ Gibbs being offended that Abby briefed Diane on her findings before him.

+ Ziva snapping at McGee and Fornell to shut up when they were bickering in the van.

+ And once again, the final basement scene between Gibbs and Diane totally made me tear up. I loved how Gibbs didn't want Diane to make the same mistakes with Victor that he made with his wives. Again, it showed how much Gibbs really does care, without being out-of-character. He wants Diane to learn from his mistakes, not repeat them - the same thing he told Tony in the basement scene at the end of Newborn King. And I loved his “I'm not alone” line; it was the perfect ending note. :) Binder might've just replaced Schenck & Cardea as my favorite writer.

Happy 5th night of Hanukkah! Sara has been trying to direct my present-opening so that I get open one present a night. So far I've gotten new ponytail-holders and new lights for my bike (both things I needed) and a CD of Hanukkah songs!

P.S. I think I finally finished the mat of plarn I've been crocheting! Which is hard to believe after working on it for six months. I do most of my crocheting while watching movies/TV, and Sara just said: "God forbid you sit here for one minute without eating or plarning or eating your plarn or plarning your food!" Ha!

bbbs, confessions of a junk food addict, hanukkah, my sister is crazy, ncis s10, fun times

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