Rebecca will show you what one screwball can do!

Jan 19, 2012 22:10

Hallelujah, I think (and hope) one of my coworkers quit today! She was such a mean, nasty little person that I just about wanted to throw a party when I heard she was gone.

Okay, now onto more grown-up news. Most of you have probably already heard of SOPA and PIPA, two pieces of legislation that, if passed, have the potential to cripple the Internet as we know it. And if you hadn't heard about it before, you almost certainly did yesterday, when Google, Wikipedia, and other websites blacked out in protest. Rebecca decided to hop on the bandwagon, so following Wiki's urging, I sent e-mails to the four Louisiana Congress people known to support SOPA and PIPA. A lot of other LA residents must have done the same, because within a few hours, two of those three publicly withdrew their support. One of my friends on FaceBook posted the news with the message, “Guns down, smoke 'em if you got 'em!”

I saw my first 3D movie this week, Disney's rerelease of Beauty and the Beast. I know, I know, everyone else has already seen a 3D movie. I'm always the last to catch onto these crazes. They're rereleasing a lot of old stuff in 3D, and I think I'd like to see Titanic when it comes out. I'm not crazy about sitting through three and a half hours of movie again (yes, I saw it when it came out - who didn't?), but it's so epic.

white & nerdy, movies in theater

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