Feb 08, 2006 21:45
Okay...today at work was a great productive day...however....
I needed to leave work at exactly 5:30 in order to go home, change, get my bible and make it to church on time. Because of unforseen reasons I didn't leave til 5:40...then got stuck in traffic in Brandon...got behind one slow ass dump truck on the way home with no passing area....didn't get home til 6:05...10 minutes to make it to church on time....which I didn't...but I said..."no worries, JoAnn knows I'm gonna be late and will save me a seat." I walk in to find her sitting by caleb...she's telling me there is a seat...So I head that direction only to see the seat is taken...then caleb tells me to go the other way and sit in front of them by a bunch of folks I don't know...finally I just throw my hands up and storm away...going to sit by some other peeps on the upper level. I was ticked off...I was so freaking frustrated that nothing was going right...so did I get anything out of the worship service or message..? Absolutly not...all I kept thinking is I just want to go home.
Then I forced myself to go to Choir practice....and i still just wanted to go home...but somewhere in there I dropped my frustrations...and truely worshiped...
But after practice I get a voicemail from JoAnn saying...sorry about the seat, and she would have loved for me to sit by her...and it would have been ideal if I had come in before the seat was taken?! what kinda crap is that....I'm still a little pissed....however, I can't avoid her...so I'll have to get over it...I'm just a little preturbed right now. *oh while typing this she just called and left another voicemail saying she was sorry and hoped we could talk about this*....I just need to chill and sleep on it...
Well peace out!