So it's 2 o clock on the dot (AM) here, but I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd make this entry.
Well, I made it to Rome!! I got in yesterday morning around 8:30 am Rome time, 1:30 am US time (7 hour time difference for those who can't count :P ). Everything went smoothly till I got here. I had to wait probably over an hour for my bags and by the time I got here my driver had left. But I wasn't sure if he had or not so I was waiting around, looking for him, trying to drag my heeeavvyyy bags around. So then I decided to try and call the step, but I didn't know how to use the phone. The guy exchanging money said he didn't know how to use the phone (yeah right, or either he just didn't understand my question), then I spent the rest of my cash ($10) on making the phone call. Then I had to get a taxi and go to the Embassy and wait for the step to bring money. Well the taxi driver was all pissed cause he had to wait, and then we had to hall my bags up the streets so the step could drive me to the apartment. Ahhh!!
(Taken from inside the taxi- it's crazy, you just pass right on by it like it's nothing!!)