I wrote some Spuffy ficlets!

Nov 01, 2016 12:52

sb_fag_ends did a Halloween challenge, which I failed to meet because of pesky timezones - not procrastination, not at all - but I still managed to post some stories:

Title: The Fun House Doors of Perception
Rating: Mature, 'cos language and S6 shenanigans
Word count: 540
Prompt: Seeing Isn't Believing
Setting: S6, around the time of "Gone"
Summary: Spike's sure he's got it all figured...


Title: Foxy Ladies
Rating: PG13
Word count: 650
Prompt: Outfoxed
Setting: S10-ish
Summary: Spike and Buffy go out on the town in San Francisco, at a drag bar.

Let me know what you think!

P.S. thedeadlyhook  and I had a blast at the drag version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Live! Very theatrical! We'll be back for the Star Trek: Mirror Mirror presentation in a few weeks. The Oasis (bar, danceteria, cabaret) is a local treasure, sure 'nuff.

P.P.S. seasonal_spuffy has begun and is running all this month!

This entry was originally posted at http://rebcake.dreamwidth.org/44896.html. Please comment here or there using OpenID.

fic, spike, buffy

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