Where does the time go?

Aug 31, 2015 16:28

It's the end of August!?!

Since my last post, I've been buried in a mountain of work, which is sort of nice and sort of not. Of course, there was also a lot of travel arranging, which is like a second full-time job, at least the way I do it. There's also been plenty of recreation, including hosting houseguests, seeing bands, dancing, going to parties, having a girls weekend at a Napa vineyard with the "girls" from college. I also attended a tightly plotted drag show wherein the villain was named PIxie Pardonne Moi (sic). A friend had been tapped to pole dance (badly) during the intermission. Heh. Good times, y'all.

I've missed a lot of fun LJ activity. There were memes that seemed exciting, excellent art and fic - some of which I missed, I'm afraid - and this exciting party celebrating the 5th Anniversary of sb_fag_ends!

I only got my act together enough to post a silly prompt, alas, but the mods over there deserve to be fêted! Take a bow bogwitch, quinara, and shapinglight! Garlands also to all the contributors who continue to make that comm so great! Go, read, comment! I know I will.

My recent pre-series Giles fic, Giles and the Mountain, was nominated by very kind person(s) in Round 32 of the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfic Awards in the Best Gen, Best Drama, and Best Characterization (for Giles) categories, and also in Round 12 of the No Rest for the Wicked Awards, in the That Old Gang Of Mine (best gen) category. I'm touched that my sporadic work still appeals to somebody out there! There's still time to nominate your favorite fanworks, and make a fellow fan's day!

A few of you have been singing the praises of the Thug Kitchen cookbook, so I decided to check it out. It's changed things up around here, and McDiva and MiAmor have been pretty game. My favorite so far is the Coconut/Lime/Mango Brown Rice with Red Beans. which is on the regular rotation already. It's making vegan look better, I've got to admit. More Thai and Japanese recipes? Yes, please. I've also been pickling green beans and making fruit crisps like...my grandmother? Life is pretty delicious, these days.

I also grew this, quite by accident:

Isn't it pretty? It may raise the dead, for all I know. And no, I do not need an intervention. My kitchen is colorful, but not dangerous.

This entry was originally posted at http://rebcake.dreamwidth.org/39712.html. Please comment here or there using OpenID.

fandom rl, rl, awards/noms

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