Movies of this Week!

Jun 30, 2015 00:21

You guys! I bring tidings of great joy! Beside all the other good stuff that happened last week, I mean. There are movies to squee about!

Like every year, I largely celebrated Pride Week here in San Francisco by going to the Frameline (LGBTQ) Film Festival at the historic Castro Theater. We all gather, listen to the Mighty Wurlitzer upon which the ( Read more... )

movieland, tv party

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Comments 12

enigmaticblues June 30 2015, 13:50:05 UTC
I actually really liked Jupiter Ascending, but then, I adore space operas, and that one was so ridiculous that I couldn't help but love it. It was, as one reviewer said, like a 14-year-old girl wrote a space opera with a space princess and her angel-werewolf boyfriend.

And now I REALLY want to see Magic Mike XXL.


rebcake June 30 2015, 21:16:03 UTC
The Jupiter and her loyal wolf bodyguard storyline was fine with me, and when the wings came out at the end, I could practically feel the Tumblr squee. I just...don't get as into chases-and-shit-blowing-up as I used to. And I do prefer that my heroine's show a bit more agency.

Of course, I was thinking it might surprise me the way "Chronicles of Riddick" did. The critics hated it, but it was freaking Macbeth in space! What's not to love about that? And there were chases aplenty in that and I barely remember the heroine, even though I know she was badass, so all my high ideals are admittedly squishy.

In any case, I'm kinda hoping that MMXXL outperforms all the special effects blockbusters, if you know what I mean...


shapinglight July 1 2015, 09:42:13 UTC
I haven't seen the first Magic Mike movie, but now I sort of want to. I am always impressed (and surprised to be impressed) by Channing Tatum. Have been ever since Step Up.

Also, check out Mr. Robot, if you can. It might be as suspenseful as The Americans!

Is that actually possible? Also, what did you think of the season three finale of The Americans? Or of season 3 in general?

I loved it, btw, as you've probably gathered.

I expect more from The Wachowskis.

Don't forget Matrix Revolutions. ;)

Speaking of them, though (and I had no idea until just now that one of the Wachowski 'brothers' was actually a sister), have you been watching Sense8 at all? I ask because I've watched three episodes and am still at the stage of not knowing if I'm watching pretentious rubbish or something amazing. It does tick a lot of boxes - very multi-racial/multi-sexual cast, high production values etc. I'm just not sure about the story yet ( ... )


rebcake July 1 2015, 18:40:01 UTC
Channing Tatum gives off the first impression of a dumb jock type, when seen in photos, but he really, really isn't! I never expected to be so entertained by him, in such a variety of films. He's just so game, and in motion...well. Ahem. That said, the Joe Manganiello character, Big Dick Richie, is just as much of a lead in this one as Tatum. Which is by no means a bad thing. Everybody shines!

This first MM had some amazing dancing, and is probably worth seeing just for that, but the downer of a plot really detracted. That's not an issue with MMXXL. ;-) *\o/* All you really need to know is that Mike dances with a troupe called "The Kings of Tampa", but at the end gets out of the business to pursue his dream of furniture making. And a Good Woman.

Somehow, I managed to miss Matrix Revolutions. I think I saw part of the extended rave scene while wandering by the TV, but didn't see the need to stop.

I'm about where you are with Sense8! I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep watching, because I find the characters really compelling, but I ( ... )


shapinglight July 2 2015, 09:31:29 UTC
I do find all the "in hospital against her will" stuff to be horrifying, although Not Likely.

Me too - also the horrible mother who insists on calling Nomi 'Michael.' I would imagine it'll turn out everyone at the hospital is working for the evil guy with the beard.

McDiva was excited because she and her friends were actually there when they filmed the scene where Freema rides the motorcycle, at last year's Pride. She had no idea what it was for, but Freema! So, yeah, it was definitely filmed at the genuine article.

Really? That's great. I think Freema looks amazing (though her accent slips occasionally).

You don't by any chance have the inside story on why Sierra Hahn left the Buffy comics, do you?


rebcake July 2 2015, 18:10:02 UTC
I don't know why Sierra is leaving, but my guess is that she got an offer from a larger publisher. She's a young, sweet, competent gal and anybody would be lucky to get her, I suspect. Given her age, it could also be that some young swain has convinced her to move elsewhere.

Whatever the case, I wish her very well, indeed. She did right by us.


makd July 1 2015, 18:22:39 UTC
Mr Robot is just.... I can't even.... I am already in its thrall.


rebcake July 1 2015, 18:51:49 UTC
There's a new one tonight! Woo!

Yeah, it really burst out of the starting gate like whoa! I hope it can keep up with all that promise.


makd July 5 2015, 21:25:25 UTC


feliciacraft July 1 2015, 22:16:51 UTC
Sounds like a feast for the eyes!

I loved Galaxy Quest so much (nothing comes close in its understanding of fans) that I really want to see Magic Mike in all of its installments.

And now I miss Better Off Ted, which I found more relatable (and more entertaining and less cringe-worthy) than The Office, because work is dysfunctional, but not as dysfunctional as the latter, you know? Truly one of my favorite TV series. Too bad it was so short-lived.


rebcake July 1 2015, 22:38:06 UTC
I knew I would like Galaxy Quest going in because, as you say, fandon catnip. But it was structured so well and the characters were so perfectly rendered, that it eclipsed all that. I didn't expect to love it. Again, seeing it in a packed theater, as with MMXXL, really adds to the excitement factor. There wasn't the case with Down With Love, more's the pity.

Better Off Ted was so wonderful. *sniff*


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