WonderCon Notes & DW Codes

Apr 06, 2011 09:06

I have eleven DreamWidth codes for people who'd like to join up, which is looking better by the hour, is it not? Just drop me a comment here or there, and I'll set you up.

I am up to my neck in RL and seasonal_spuffy  prep, so my commenting is way down. Please forgive me. I will catch up. Probably.

I still made time for WonderCon last weekend, which is in my fair ( Read more... )

con report, lj, comics

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Comments 5

lostboy_lj April 6 2011, 16:22:45 UTC
Hi rebcake! Since LJ seems to be drowning in footwear lately, can I have a code?



rebcake April 6 2011, 16:40:35 UTC
Sure! Here ya go:


Have fun! They are saying that the LJ problems are making it iffy to get a nice, clean import at the moment, but you can do it at any time, so no rush. Probably.


lostboy_lj April 6 2011, 18:25:00 UTC
Thanks, rebcake.

Trying the importer thing now. Hope it works!


xlivvielockex April 7 2011, 17:07:39 UTC
I would love a code if you have one. I think I better make myself an LJ over there and back up Still Grrr to DW just in case.

The real news, to me, was that there were very few audience members on hand, and so few questions about what's coming up in Buffy Season 9 that they cut the panel short by 20 minutes. I've never seen a panel go short in 25 years of con-going.

Wow. I mean...wow. Do you think maybe they are getting the picture now?

It's good to hear that at least one person at DH sees S8 as a failure. You would think from all the press, they thought it was the most awesome thing since sliced bread.


rebcake April 7 2011, 17:48:17 UTC
Be my guest!


I don't think you'll need anything else to also open a community. I hope it all goes smoothly!

It's good to hear that at least one person at DH sees S8 as a failure.I suspect they all know that it didn't work, craft-wise. They aren't dummies over there, even if their big money comes from doing Star Wars comics. Sierra pretty much said that they ran out of time. They only had so many issues in which to wrap things up, and there was too much to fit in comfortably. Rather than add to the run, they stuck to the schedule, and I think that was a big mistake. They may have satisfied their distributor, but they didn't satisfy many other people. They damaged the franchise by putting out a rough draft synopsis with an official stamp of approval, imo ( ... )


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