This 'n' That

Sep 04, 2010 00:18

First, happy belated birthday to mere_ubu , the rootinest, tootinest fandom dropout in the whole USA! I cannot say how much I miss your little amuses bouches, doll!fics, and tales of domestic misadventure. I've taken on the task of cleaning out the Augean Stables my office, with you as my inspiration. No brassieres have turned up yet, but I live in hope...

Next, I have the most slight of all S8 #36 comic wanks. It concerns the bugs... )

birthday, fic, tv party, spike, comics, buffy

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Comments 9

xlivvielockex September 4 2010, 07:22:45 UTC
I was going to read this post but then someone turned on the kitchen light and I had to go scurry under the fridge.


rebcake September 4 2010, 08:04:11 UTC
Bwah! I understand completely. If I can just get unstuck from this gluey floor, I'll be right over to provide aid and comfort...


xlivvielockex September 4 2010, 20:03:50 UTC
If you come over, there is this great little motel up the floor from me. Nice and dark so you can sleep all day. It's got plenty of entrances too and I hear the food there is to die for.


petzipellepingo September 4 2010, 08:05:59 UTC
A metaphor for Spike fans, to be exact. I mean, no matter what the writers do to stomp us out, they can't seem to ever destroy us. The more virulent the poison, the stronger we grow. We live on the slightest of scraps. In the least hospitable conditions we grow more numerous and less susceptible to the toxins of the 'verse. Spike cannot differentiate between us, but still we faithfully serve him. We cannot be killed! Individually, perhaps, but not in our thousands.

That's right! When the Apocalypse comes and goes, all that will be left will be Spike fans. And rightly so.


rebcake September 4 2010, 08:13:50 UTC
If they keep dishing up the Buffy and Angel that they have been, you're prediction is bound to come true! *shakes pom poms*


zanthinegirl September 4 2010, 10:32:35 UTC
Hee! I'm not exactly a fan of bugs in general, but the cockroach analogy amuses me!

Oh, and I saw Doctor Who season 5 listed on amazon today, not sure when it'll actually be out!


rebcake September 4 2010, 20:28:58 UTC
We will prevail! Heh. Your icon amuses me, right back!


mere_ubu September 16 2010, 01:07:20 UTC
Aw man, I'm just now seeing this. *shakes fist* Stoopid RL! Thank you, sweet thing. Mwah! "Domestic misadventure." Is that what we're calling it now? Cause I really like that! I would totally put that on a resume under "hobbies." Or possibly, "occupation."

Would it discourage you to know that the office already needs mucking out again? Maybe I'm making progress, though--all bras are present and accounted for. Baby steps.


rebcake September 16 2010, 04:08:23 UTC
Hee! Well, the incident with the piñata was pretty epic...

Yes, I completely understand that it's an on-going struggle to keep from becoming lost under a pile of catalogs and school newsletters. In fact, the bra catalogs are definitely outnumbering the actual bras at my place. However, there is this little issue of socks going missing lately...


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