Bit o' Fic, plus Fandom is a Mother (Con Report)

Apr 13, 2010 13:50

Here's a link to a fic I posted last week at still_grrr , if you're interested:

Title: The Front Lines
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG
Word Count: 800
Characters: Mostly Robin Wood, a smidge of the Gunns
Summary: Robin thinks about all the varieties of monster he knows, a couple of years before he comes to Sunnydale.

The main difference between Robin and the other kidsRead more... )

con report, rl, fic

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Comments 8

zanthinegirl April 14 2010, 05:34:54 UTC
Can I just say I love you con reports? I haven't been to a big one since just after college. I'm totally going to have to go one of these days!

I read a report on a forum about the twilight thing. I'm with you. No love for the books, which I think are terrible. No desire to see the movies. But I do wonder if the booing wasn't more pointed at the (non-traditional fandom) of 14 year old girls and their moms than the movies themselves. Honestly, I think that your point about the different treatment a movie aimed at 14 year old boys would get is a telling one, and one I hadn't really considered.

And it just seems uncool to harsh their squee that way, you know?

Drat. This means I'm going to have to stop wearing my "and then Buffy staked Edward" shirt, isn't it?


rebcake April 14 2010, 06:16:57 UTC
Oh noes! Do not hide your shirt under a barrel! Buffy staking Edward is not an anti-feminist message! We had a discussion about this Twilight thing over on rahirah's journal yesterday, and this is part of what I had to say:

I didn't have any problem with McDiva wearing her "Buffy staked Edward. The end." t-shirt around the Con. But I was getting freaked by her enthusiastic response to the "yell if you think Twilight ruined Comic-Con" signs. In the first place, I've been going to Comic-Con for decades, and if it's "ruined" it sure ain't the fault of "Twilight". And second, it seemed like just a hop and a skip over to "show us your tits!"

For the whole thing (which I thought was interesting):

I'm so pleased you like the con reports. This one had actual transcription, which I'll probably never try again! It was all hard and stuff!


zanthinegirl April 14 2010, 06:34:52 UTC
Whew! I get a kick out of that T!

I read rahirah's post, but I guess I didn't read all the way down the comments. It's a good point in that context too. The ship wars were bad enough when the show was actually still on, yo! Buffyfandom is starting to make the Doctor Who fandom seem sane, and that's a scary thing!

FWIW my main objection to the current comic storyline (by heresay; I've long since stopped reading) is that the whole thing is just absurdly contrived. But then they pretty much lost me the whole Buffy the Bankrobber thing so I may not be the best judge!


rebcake April 14 2010, 06:44:41 UTC
There's no lack of things to object to in the comics. However, there's a difference between complaining about the comics (or romance novels) and complaining about the people who read them. Don't let the haters keep you from making your own choices! ('Cos I happen to know you've got great taste!)


mad_brilliant_ April 14 2010, 05:41:22 UTC
Sounds like a fun time was had by all, yay! That really is a great idea to have a birthday party at a con. About JM's look, I've actually thought of asking him to do a more real look, rather than his usual "Spike" aka "Creeper" look. LOL But I never have the nerve. :-D


rebcake April 14 2010, 06:39:36 UTC
Hee! Yeah, the photos from last summer were more relaxed.
... )


ssddgr April 14 2010, 15:15:07 UTC
Can I please come to McDiva's next birthday? :D


rebcake April 14 2010, 16:14:35 UTC
Tee! This was the first time JM has been at this Con, so that was an unexpected pleasure. But yes, McDiva's birthday is open to all!


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