Comic-Con 2009, or, Buffy Scribe Safari

Aug 27, 2009 14:37

Here's my belated Comic-Con 2009 report. It's long. It's rambling. The pictures are likely too big. Here goes, anyhow.

San Diego Comic-Con 2009 was, for me, Buffy Scribe Safari! There's other stuff, but you might as well know the theme, right from the start.

But first, a digression about what the Con has become and my comics-reading history… )

con report, rl, tv party, comics

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Comments 15

snickfic August 28 2009, 00:17:48 UTC
Yay report! It sounds like you had a fabulous and totally exhausting time. I envies you your Joss time and your cornering of David Fury and... oh, all that good stuff.

Thanks so much for the writeup. :)


rebcake August 28 2009, 01:12:28 UTC
At least I didn't have to actually trip the poor guy, a la Lucy Ricardo, eh?

I'm glad you got a kick out of my long-winded report. It does seem rather exhausting, when I read it over, though at the time I felt like I was pacing myself rather well.

Thanks for commenting!


snickfic August 28 2009, 01:42:45 UTC
Oh! And also, I was terribly excited to recognize Al in the first photo - I've just been discovering Full Metal Alchemist in the last three weeks or so (and enjoying it muchly).


rebcake August 28 2009, 03:26:29 UTC
You did better than I! I asked the kids "is that robot your personal shopper?". "Mooooooom!" (at least three syllables) "That's not a robot, it's a suit of armor, from Full Metal Alchemist. Gosh!" I suppose I should have known, from all the FMA paraphernalia around here. Heh. It does sound pretty interesting. Gotta love a gal with her own forge, right?


mad_brilliant_ August 28 2009, 07:01:11 UTC
The jig is totally up when I pull out the iPhone with the giant sticker of Buffy on the back. Total fangirl.

LOL Busted! Great report and pics. Thanks so much! :-D


rebcake August 28 2009, 15:23:03 UTC
Oh yeah. Not stealthy. However, last year McDiva got a big smile from him for wearing a "Dr. Horrible" shirt during the "Dr. Horrible" signing, so he must not be opposed to people buying the merch. LOL. (However, he didn't smile at MiAmor with the Captain Hammer shirt, so maybe it was McDiva's hat with floppy ears that did it.)

Thanks for commenting, and for slogging through the whole thing.


shapinglight August 28 2009, 08:41:53 UTC
It sounds completely wonderful. Also, it's a good thing it was you and not me in that line behind Joss. I'm pretty sure I would have come out with the dreaded "Buffy or Angel?" question.


rebcake August 28 2009, 15:35:18 UTC
Well, after the fact, I realized that I should have just complimented him on the "slashy heck" line. It might've stopped there, or it might've turned into a conversation about slash/fanfic/what have you. I can sort of see him responding with, "Oh no! Are you one of the slashers!" with mock horror, which would have been a great opening. But, alas, it was just me and my brain having that little talk, much, much later. I'll bet he doesn't often get "Who does Spike love?" I'm sure it's always, "Who does Buffy love?" which we already know he's going to dance around. But, it's a dance of joy, right?

Thanks for commenting!


shapinglight August 28 2009, 16:25:01 UTC
Heh! Believe it or not, I actually didn't write what I meant to write (happens a lot these days). I thought I'd written 'Spike or Angel', not 'Buffy or Angel,' which must be one of those questions Joss gets asked a lot and which he's probably sick of.

As you say, no way he'd answer it, except in a jokey sort of way, as he did in his American Secular Society speech.

In actual fact, if you had asked him who does Spike love, Buffy or Angel, you could well have got an answer. For one thing, he would be pleasantly surprised, for another, I think Spangel 'shippers sort of amuse him, not so much of themselves but because encouraging them is another way of teasing the B/A S/B 'shippers. :)


rebcake August 28 2009, 16:38:43 UTC
I doubt he'd answer directly, but he would get a kick out of the question, I'm sure. Because it amuses him and because he's a naughty man. Thank the deities. "Just kiss already!" indeed.


zanthinegirl August 28 2009, 16:14:04 UTC
You know, I'm suddenly finding myself pondering comicon 2010!

Sounds like a fabulous time!


rebcake August 28 2009, 16:28:39 UTC
Pretty much. It exceeded expectations, definitely.

If you think you might want to go, plan way ahead. The really tricky thing is hotel rooms. There just aren't enough. I think they've sold out in something crazy like 3 seconds the last few years. We gave up a while ago, and now stay with friends who live 1/2 hour away. The trade-off is that we miss a lot of the evening activities, which are pretty fun. Were I young and childless, as I once was, I'd never dream of missing that stuff.


clawofcat August 28 2009, 22:54:49 UTC
Thanks for the great report. You certainly had a number of memorable fan sightings, the crowning jewel being the Joss-man himself. I couldn't help but laugh at the mention of Juliet Landau's skeleton arms. They were rather creepy to watch on the show. Not sure that they hold up any better in RL ( ... )


rebcake August 29 2009, 00:39:03 UTC
For better or worse, I didn't even hear of Cons until I was of age. It's just as well: my brother and I probably would've shown up in Spock ears, or something ( ... )


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