Aug 06, 2005 00:35
guess what.
its me.
Tonight was friday. yes it was.
do you know what I did this week?
I worked.
not just alittle bit.
try 51 1/2 hours!
And on this night, I wished to have fun, cause I have had nada in 5 days.
Dont get me wrong, getting free (caused im so charming) ice skating for a half an hour in the largest size skates the place has (squeezing into size 13s) was fun! Then being the copilot for claire on our expedition to sloans ice cream was also fun!
But I just wanted more!
I wanted more...
along with somemore...
and it just didnt happen.
after a few desperate words with people online and coming up short(for the first time in my life), I gave up!
Saturday is already here, and I wont take no for an answer on this here Saturday!!!!!!!
If any of you would like to help me out on my quest for entertainment contact ME.
(you could reach ME here, or somewhere else, like those fantastic cell phone things, (and since I dont have alot of friends on this here page I wont get the responses wanted, but do anyways))!!!exclamation point!
-Rob,Robert,RobBob, Cycle bandit #1, and any other crazy names you people know me as!