
Mar 14, 2015 22:14

I have started to hate seeing all this family togetherness stuff on Facebook. It hurts me so deep down inside and makes me wanna cry.
When I was little I was very close to my aunt and uncle. The took me places and did things with we. I went places and did things with my grandparents and extended family.
Do my kids? No
My brothers are 18 and 21 they could careless and don't pick up the phone or text back me or Kourtney now that she has her own phone. *shakes head*
On to Aunts: Tonya has her own thing going on and well she has her own kid to keep up with. But she never invites my kids to do anything with them. Angie she never invites my kids to do anything either. They don't come to sports games, once in a while they come to a dance recital.
Hell Angie and Tonya hardly do anything with me...or Larry and he is their brother.

My family lives to far away 😭 my mom would kill to be able to be here and do things but she can't.
Larry's parents don't call them, they don't take them to the movies...NOTHING!!!!!! It pisses me off that they don't do...and the older the kids get and they see this....the more I get asked WHY MOMMY?

I take the kids to the pool some weekends for something to do. I find myself getting behind the wheel and wanting to cry. I have no where else to go. I wish I could get in the car and just drive to my moms. I just want to get into the car and go somewhere....anywhere. I have no one. No one here for me...sometimes I just want to run away... Where the hell would I go?

The freaking weekends Larry has to work are so hard on me I am sad and lonely and it hurts.

Have I mentioned we haven't seen the inlaws in over a month and 1/2? I could really careless...but I can tell it hurts the kids that we always have to go over there and they never come over here.

Blah what is wrong with me? What is wrong with my kids? What did we do to be so hated and so alone all the time? I know I don't feel good...I am guessing my kids don't either.
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