Hahah I kid. Mitch rocks. Too bad he sucks at supermario on supernintendo. He just had to keep on talking about the gameboy version while NOT beating all the levels on the t.v. version. Gee, what a loser.
Haha Mitch I love you.
Mitch and I had Adam Sandler day on Saturday but we really only watched Billy Madison and Wedding Singer. People kept calling my house and I told them we were at Mitch's then at the park and lost in the woods. Then Mitch called his dad and he's like "All these kids came by looking for you.." Hahaha sorryyy. Mitch is a woman and wouldn't let me do his hair all fancy and aqua-net-afied so I chased him around my house, literally, with bright red lipstick. Woooo I won.
But then he started signing his name on my leg using MY OWN BLOOD as his pallet. Too bad it was lipstick.
And Mitch was being the piano man.
A.K.A. Elton John
And then I was just being hot with my red lipstick. MMMmmhmmmm.
Ok, my lj was being fun and yehmmhm but you should be able to see the following posts, let me know if I'm incorrect in telling you this:
Disney with Ali and Lisa
Courtney's Adventure
Ali and I being awesome with handstands
Mitch.. which I believe is this entry
And.. the entry starting out with BOONE OVERCROWDING