There's a big ole stack of addressed envelopes with cards in them somewhere in my house that were never sent. And then I went on vacation until today. And now it's too late to send them :( So there's a pretty good chance you were supposed to get a card from me but I don't even know if half of the people got cards at all. hmph
check out the sweet pic and 2007 resolutions
Maybe more pictures later. When we woke up the first morning in the mountains this design was frozen on the porch railing and it was a little bit amazing to me. And then the boy was runnin around down in the river.
If you still want your christmas card I'd love to mail it to you! So if you didn't get one tell me and I'll totally mail it. But otherwise I can't cause that'd be super tacky.
I don't know why I enjoy these things. And I don't know why it makes sense, though it really doesn't.
In 2007,
rebas resolves to...
Go to the clouds every month.
Buy new mathematics.
Eat more sufjan stevens.
Be nicer to do_the_zombie_.
Cut down to ten thevinesfans a day.
Backup my feki regularly.