Coffee is good....mmmawake

Nov 23, 2004 09:52

This weekend was nice. I got to see Kallyn for her twenty-second birthday and Annie for her twenty-first (she's a youngin, like Alex). Met up with the Jessemeister and Alex and Mike (from Outback) and his buddy Sange. It was cool- a band played until the wee hours of the morning and pretty much everyone was smashed- or on their way when I last saw them.

Worked on Saturday- woppdee-doo... Church on Sunday was nice. Things are really coming together for Advent season with the Youth group. I think we are going to carol and maybe have a special "Christmas bazaar" where we sell fleece blankets, scarves, and afghans. And maybe some spiced tea and baked goods. We are raising money for a Head Start family to buy presents and coats. Plus, I am supposed to be raising $ for MDA- I am going to be "locked up" to get the funds. I may not actually be locked up though bc it's during work. Depends on my manager and if she lets me go. (It's a limo ride and a luncheon so I've got my fingers crossed). But I can still advocate for funds. :)

Hmm... what else? Oh! I busted my butt whilst helping Natalie move on Sunday. Haha!! Matt, Krystle, and Josh, and Mike all came to help. Matt had the same van as me, and I was in the back, trying to pull a mattress out. Then I stopped and tried to get out, I guess tripped over my feet or something, and took a dive for the ground. My body kind of rolled over and I fell right on my coccyx bone. My back is kind of sore but not bad. It hurt like a mother right then. I think it's just a little bruised. (I guess no awesome back rubs this weekend ;0P``` ) It was pretty hilarious- an unnecessary "James Bond" roll for the Guiness book of World Records.

Oh yeah, and did I mention that this was in front of like four people? Yeah, ahem... *cough*

So I got invited to this Christmas party thing for work. I get to ask a date so I guess I will have to drudge my little black book out. (you think I'm kidding. well I am) No, I think I know who I want to bring with me. I think I'm going to trade him dinner for an hour of efleurage. I think that's how you spell it. It's a light touch massage used to calm down trauma victims. Very relaxing. mmmm....

Anywho.. I am excited to see my PBM boys. They just got back into town and we will probably grab some java and catch up this weekend.

Oh and my chicas from Memphis (Lillie and Jenni) totally surprised me last night! I was emptying out my book bag from the trip (yes it takes me a week to unpack) and found 2 really cute little notes telling me they were happy I came to visit. I felt so loved. I love you girls! :)

I also felt like showing my mom and being like see? Memphis is not evil. There are actually cool people there that enjoy my company. She made this big deal about me going down there. Like I was going to "upset" everyone by showing up on campus. I told her that I wasn't hanging out with the dean and that there were far too many of my sisters excited to see me to outweigh the negative opinions of only two people. So! off my soap box! It's just that I am very sensitive to her exaggerated claims to martyrdom- the "whoa is me! and my daughter shall be hid in a hole from now on because she doesn't go to a rich private school anymore- oh no! what shall we do? she's come undone!"

The funny thing is, I am the first woman on my Mom's side of the family to go to college, and the expectations were high, still are high. But she didn't experience what I have experienced. And she hasn't been to college. So for her to assume that the large handful of awesome peoples still living in Memphis would not want to see me because of drama that happened almost two years ago, well, it's judgmental and naive. My friends are more mature and loving than that. I think she cares too much what other people think about her. It's a stigma that I work through as well, but I think my growing up in a more liberal world has helped me to become more open-minded than the glove and hat Baptist generation of my parents. (And yes, they were both raised Baptist).

Ok, long post (I haven't posted in a few days) and enough with the rent-complaining. I love my Mom, it's just sometimes I need a forum to discuss our occasional head-butting. (We are both stubborn as hell.)
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