Pour me another, 'cause I can still see the floor.

May 08, 2009 10:24

I love waking up at ten, and knowing I can still take my time.

Greenhouse was fun. Yesterday was really fun, too, until work came along. Those kids are going to give me pimples.

Lit Exam was easy, even though I had Blessing. But my essay writing skills have gone done so bad that I am pretty sure I didn't pass, despite it's easiness.

Euro today. Should be funny. Probably going to dissappoint Jonesy-kins.

When I think about things in my life I get so happy I can't even stand it. Anything bad is just going to get ignored. It's the end of the year, and I don't want no drama. No no drama. No no no no drama.

Walk out if they drag you down.
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