Crazy Heart and other crazy stuff

Feb 15, 2010 02:52

Due to the circumstances of this year's February 14th, I went on a multi-part, anti-Valentines, most-of-the-day event with friends. First stop was the Mongolian BBQ place in Chinatown with Betsy and Rob. Good food, good company, good bitchfest.

Later in the afternoon, Betsy and I went to see part of the 24-hour comedy improv show at the Greenbelt Arts Center, starring comedians from my alma mater - Eleanor Roosevelt HS. Funny stuff!

Tonight, Besty and I met up with Melissa S. and went to see Crazy Heart at the P&G movie theater.

Crazy Heart is a film about a "has-been" country star (Jeff Bridges) who drinks and smokes too much, and ends up meeting a female reporter (Maggie Gyllenhall) who interviews him for a local paper. They end up falling for each other, and drama ensues.

I have to say it was an amazing movie. I have always enjoyed Jeff Bridges, but in this movie, he really stood out - subtle, gripping, insightful work like I've never seen him do. And I've seen him do great work. It's no mystery why he's been nominated for an Oscar. The journey you take during the story is very painful at times and involves a lot of loss, related to alcoholism, the human condition, and dreams. Not to give away the ending, but the conclusion of the story is inspiring - in ways you wouldn't expect. I left the theater feeling happy and sad at the same time. It definitely was thought provoking and worth watching - maybe a couple of times.

All in all, it was a great way to spend an otherwise sucky day. Thanks to all who came along for the ride.

friends, movies

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