Oct 19, 2008 14:20
Is it fucking impossible for you people to not get a cat? Why does everyone insist on getting the one animal that causes me to go into allergenic fucking coma upon entrance to your house. I think they just don't believe me when I say that I am truly and seriously allergic to them. They say "Oh it won't go in my room. We'll keep it off the furniture." It doesn't matter. My head will still feel like it's about to explode. My eyes will swell shut. I will leak goo out of all my orifices. I will be in such an extreme state of swollen, leaky misery that forming a coherent sentence is a chore. This is because I really am allergic to cats. Really, really, allergic to them. And so 9 out of 10 friends have to buy cats.
Fuck cats man. Fuck them straight to hell.