Drabble Batch #1!

Jan 02, 2010 13:55

Request here, if you haven't already! Or even if you have idk-- yes they'll be short. ... ish.

Eloquent Emiri; for Kev

"Active Industrial Revolution Technology Repair Earth Carbon Knockoff..." Emiri recited, grimacing as she did so. "Air Treck is one part of what a group of cruel people are trying to monopolize... this kind of thing, I will not allow at all!"

She pressed a palm against her chest and continued fiercely, "A-T technology as a free resource! Abolish the patents!! All of you, with the splendid power of A-T, can become a feather that saves this world! While each feather is weak, it is possible if it's a wing of eight billion feathers. It's possible for even this world to soar! Yes we can!!"

Dante and Sabrina stared back at her, and then at each other. Finally, Sabrina spoke.

"... So the President of the United States made you speak for him, and now you've got his entire speech memorized?"

"And tone and diction and all of that other stuff," Emiri replied with a groan. "I was perfectly fine not being eloquent before and look what he's done to me!"

"Barring that," Dante added with a grin, "I'm more interested in the part with him being in your body."

She glared at him warningly. "We can skip that part. Forever."

"No we can't. So what was it like, having a--"

"YES WE CAN!" Emiri snapped, and kicked him.

Silly Judith; for Owl

There weren't a lot of outfits that Judith couldn't pull off with aplomb, but even Raven had to doubletake when he saw her strolling along and clad in... what looked to be a giant carrot.

"... Judith, darlin'..."

"Hm?" She stopped and tilted her head, the carrot obligingly angling in the same direction. "What is it, Raven?"

He coughed into his fist. "Th... there's no easy way ta say it, so I'm just gonna have ta do it. Why're you dressed up like a vegetable?"

Judith glanced down at the body-hugging black suit, then reached up to tap the carrot adorning her head. "Because I like it. And Tear's..." She paused, as if searching for a certain word, and then made a sound that seemed suspiciously like a giggle. "Well, she's borrowing the one I used for seducing that guard, and since that one's bunny-themed, it's like we're matching!" She didn't add that it was her Christmas present to Kaito and that Tear had taken more than the usual amount of coaxing to don it.

"Although wearing this," she added thoughtfully, "it's almost as though I'm asking to be eaten, isn't it?"

She left Raven with a casual wave, and the thought that... while indeed, most people would rather die than wear a carrot, Judith had just the right amount of silliness and poise to pull it off.

And that frightened him.

Incarcerated Amu; for Kev

Going along with Flay's ideas of justice was all well and good, Amu had decided. Even when the ideas continuously got more and more strange and dangerous, Chii was there to offer encouraging and innocent smiles, and she knew Flay wouldn't really let them get hurt.

But that was before he'd gotten them involved in a fiasco that had resulted in half the inn being decimated. As if to oblige the furious inn keeper, the island itself had created a jail with iron bars and the three brave heroes found themselves thrown in.

Currently, Chii was examining their surroundings with fascination, while Amu was sitting with her head buried in her hands and Flay was...

... laughing.

"GYAHAHAHAHAHA!" He roared. "Truly, this cannot be called a trial without fending against the law that has trapped us here! My young apprentices, fear not! We will emerge stronger from this experience and ready to challenge all that is dark and evil!! True justice cannot and will not be contained!"

Amu was (luckily) spared from replying when a head shoved itself through layers of steel and stone and revealed itself to be (unluckily) the same guy who had destroyed the church confessional.

"COME INTO MY ARMS, MY PINK-HAIRED ANGEL!" Blade bellowed, clearing a bigger space with the afore-mentioned arms. "I'LL SET YOU FREE FROM THAT SLAVEDRIVER THAT IMPRISONED YOU!"

"See?" Flay clapped a heavy hand on Amu's shoulder, as calm as if he'd expected this to happen. "If it's justice, you will be set free."

"Free!" Chii echoed him happily.

Amu couldn't help but wonder if just staying put would have been the better course of action.

When Flay scooped her up like a football and passed her over to Blade, she knew she should have just stayed put.

Intoxicated Hisui; for Francy

Both of them were old enough to drink, but Hisui didn't seem like the type to willingly partake in any alcohol. However, when he'd offered her a coconut, she had accepted with no protests at all, leading Guy to believe that she knew what she was doing.

That was before her second coconut, in which the maid had fallen asleep.

Against him.

Guy had never screamed so quietly in his life.

So it was that Shiki answered a knock at the door that night and was faced with the strange sight of a trembling and terrified-looking swordsman holding a flushed and unconscious maid in his arms.

"H-here!" Guy squeaked, still managing to find enough courage to gently hand her over just before he fled.

The next morning, Hisui couldn't figure out how she had gotten home, and Guy wasn't breathing a word.

Jealous Kazuha; for Seve

The first time was when Crow and Kaito simultaneously hit on Tear. She'd felt something weird occur, like an odd twisting of her stomach, and hastily snatched Tear's hand to drag her away with the excuse that she needed to be protected from perverted boys.

("Are you all right?" Tear had asked her. "You don't seem too well."

"Stomach acting up a little, don't worry about it!")

The second time was when she'd seen Maka's cat.

"Crooooow~ do we have any fish?" The buxom long-legged woman had her arms wrapped around his neck, nearly overbalancing the thief-- and yet, he didn't seem to mind.

"Kazuha?" Curious about her friend's sudden stop, Maka peered out from behind her. "What's wrong?"

"H-huh-- oh, nothing!" Kazuha smiled at her, nodding towards the duo in the corridor, who hadn't taken notice of them. "I just didn't know you had a new roommate."

Maka focused on them-- and sighed. "That's Blair, my cat."

"... Maka-chan, that's not a cat."

"... It's a long story."

"Huh?" Finally hearing them, Crow looked over and brightened when he saw who it was. "Yo, Maka! Kazuha! Are you hanging out over here today?"

Maka started to nod, but Kazuha's eyes were fixed on Blair, who was now making little seductive mewing noises. "Actually, Maka-chan, why don't you just grab your book and we'll work in the library? I think I saw something about Island constellations there!"

"Eh? I guess that would be helpful, but--" She yelped when the older girl grabbed her hand, muttered a farewell to the other two, and took off towards the exit.

Crow watched them go, rubbing his forehead. "What's with her...?"

The third time was listening to him telling her about the blimp's newest resident.

"Her name's Tsubaki-- to look at her, you wouldn't think she's a weapon at all. She's so polite and gentle and she's got one hell of a body--"

"If you want to talk about how hot a girl is with someone, do it with Kaito-kun," Kazuha suggested sweetly, walking past him. She didn't get far, however, as Crow's hand seized her wrist and she was pulled back against his chest. They stood like that way for a moment, her expression surprised, his stern. Then, she pushed against his arm.

"What're you doing, you idiot?"

Crow maintained his grip. "My line. You've been acting weirder than you usually are, and I wanna know what the hell I did."

Kazuha growled under her breath in annoyance. "It's not weird. I just don't feel like listening to you flirt with every girl you come across or hearing how hot your roommates are! Honestly, you sound just like Heiji--"

She stopped abruptly, eyes widening in horror as she finally realized just what had been bothering her. No. No. There was absolutely no way that she could possibly be--

"Jealous?" His breath tickled her ear. "I get it, I get it. I mean, a guy like Crow the Bullet-sama would be in high demand-- what girl wouldn't want me?"

When Kazuha didn't answer with a typical sharp retort, Crow blinked and craned his neck around to try and get a look at her expression. What he saw made him move his hands to her shoulders to make her face him.

"Kazuha, look at me."

She did, albeit slowly. Reassured by this, Crow relaxed his grip just slightly. "Maybe I'm way off base here, but stop worrying about stupid things like that. You're one of my best friends here, and there's only one girl who can throw me on a daily basis and get away with it." He moved a hand up to her hair to ruffle it, grinning when she swatted at his hand. "You're irreplaceable, weird as you are."

Kazuha blinked, eyes resting uncertainly on his face.

"And hey, if you still don't believe me, duel me. I'll prove there's not a damned thing you've gotta worry about."

She rolled her eyes at that, moving away from him. "Yeah, maybe when you don't beat me in the first two turns." Her smile was wry, but present, and Crow gave her a broader grin in response.

"Y'know, I've still got that mistletoe, if you want to go that w-- OW, I was kidding!"

Bedtime Yellow; for Seve

Yellow napped enough during the day, so that Katara was almost concerned that the diminutive trainer wouldn't be able to sleep at night, but neither of the other Pokedex holders seemed worried.

She discovered why one night, not long after Yellow had joined their ranks, and discovered her curled not in bed but in a cozy ball of blankets on the floor. Her Dodrio had settled down to pillow her head, while her other Pokemon curled around her with Chuchu nestled snugly against her side. And it wasn't just them; Dia was also there with his back pressed to Yellow's.

"It looks messy," Ruby commented from his bed, "but Yellow said she's used to sleeping like that, and Diamond said it looked comfortable to him, and they've kind of started a habit of doing it."

At a first glance, it did look awkward for everyone to be curled like that... but the Pokemon seemed content, and both trainers were breathing softly and peacefully, at ease with the other's warmth and proximity.

Katara sighed after a minute, tugging one blanket to cover them better.

"So long as we're careful not to trip over them, it's fine, isn't it?"


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