Permissions Meme

Jun 22, 2008 15:21

-Threadhopping with this character - yes, no, or what?: You're more than welcome to! Unless it's a Private thread, that is.

-Hugging this character?: Hugging is fine. Groping will probably get you thrown into the ocean.

-Giving this character a kiss?: Unless you're Kazu, please ask first. D:

-Punching this character (provided they are given an opportunity to fight back): She's a tough girl. XD Go for it.

-Is there anything YOU DO NOT WANT MENTIONED near this character?: Nope!

-Is there anything you need us to KNOW about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF: She wears air trecks, which is a fancy word for spiffed-up rollerblade things. She... um. She has her moments where she's incredibly strong, particularly when she's pissed off. I'll make an entry on that later.

-ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE MENTION HERE: THE POWER OF LOVE IS INVINCIBLE. Meaning if you mess with Kazu, Emiri will definitely want to maim you.

permissions, meme

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