Relationships (continuously updated)

Sep 27, 2009 17:26

Taken from flowervillage, all credit goes to them. Profile layout goes to foukay.

: Hate/intense dislike/absolute neutrality

: Acquaintance/getting to know you.

: Friend/talks with.

: Good friend/talks with often.

: BFF/crush time.

: WE ARE FAMILY/dating/this liking feeling is mutual


Itsuki "Ikki" Minami ღ

LEADER MY LEADER. As much as she complains about him being an idiot and a pervert and has kicked him into the sunset more than once, Emiri is actually loyal to Ikki and follows his directions when the situation calls for it. Believe it or not, she really does respect him. Sometimes. She thinks he's a fun guy, and the way he's all about breaking limits and flying inspires her to want to try and do the same.

Just-- stop touching her ass, damn you.

Minato Arisato ღ

... It originally started off with Minato being in the wrong side of the hotsprings, which pissed Emiri off a great deal, and she was determined to hate him forever. HOWEVER, things got cleared up between them and they bonded over Haunted House exploring and ruins exploring and Minato was there to cheer her up when Kazu first vanished, so eventually Emiri started to view him as a friend. Since then, they've grown a lot closer, and he's now one of her closest friends on the island, if not the closest. He's risked his life for her and he can usually calm her down when she's getting unreasonable. Thanks to a series of events and some deep soul-searching, Emiri realized that she wouldn't get anywhere if she continued to wait for Kazu, and then Minato confessed to her. They're now officially dating.

Dante Sparda ღ

Okay, so Dante isn't related by blood, but to Emiri, he's the big (demon-slaying) brother she never had and she cares deeply for him. He's helped her out of scrapes and taught her how to use a gun and teased her and looked after her and, on the rare occasion that one of them is being thoughtful or sad, the other one's there to cheer them up. But Emiri's still convinced that he's got a love affair going on with pizza.

Vergil Sparda ღ

She likes you better when you're a baby hedgehog. :(

Sabrina Spellman ღ

It's a miracle that Emiri has yet to figure out that Sabrina's a witch, with how close they are, but it's one secret she's still unaware of. Otherwise, she's very close to her and views her as an older sister figure who it's fun to harass the Sparda bros with. They have the same snarky sense of humor, which makes it even more fun.

Lyner Barsett ღ

Biggest sped ever, but he's also got the biggest heart, so Emiri doesn't have the heart to call him on the former that often. She will find out who you like, Lyner. SHE WILL.

Sion Eltnam Atlasia ღ

Probably one of Emiri's closest girl friends, although initiating any kind of physical contact with her takes a lot of time and warning. She's very intelligent and mad scientist-y, so Emiri kind of feels like a dolt around her, but she's there when Sion needs help with social interaction (most especially with Ikki). It's a friendship of mutual convenience, and Emiri genuinely likes her and approves of her and her leader being together. Plus, she knows she's able to defend herself, so that's one less girl she has to worry about defending from Ikki's perverted advances. Now if only she'd stop making Emiri realize she's an intellectual idiot--

Sousuke Sagara ღ

The guy is great in a crisis, but absolutely hopeless when it comes to the usual stuff. He thought baby pandas were a dangerous threat, which led to Emiri wondering just how strictly he was trained. She blames his military experience and has taken it upon herself to get Sousuke to act more like his age. So far... it isn't really working. She does like ordering him around, though.

Yukari Takeba ღ

Yukari is Emiri's "Oh My God Ikki Why" buddy, and it's wonderful to have a fellow girl to talk to who possesses common sense and is definitely not a pushover. Emiri loves to just chill with her.

Soji Seta ღ

Emiri has some weird kind of Main Character magnetism, since this one she's technically married to and has a kid with-- I mean what. Most of her interaction with Soji has been Island events and forced partnerships, so she doesn't know too much about him yet, but she's been talking to him more, and thinks he's a nice guy.

Yuuta ღ

Zombie or not, older and vaguely taller than her or not, Emiri would adopt Yuuta as her little brother in a HEARTBEAT. She's very fond of him and thinks he's adorable, even if he is kind of scary with his love for money, but he healed her way back and she's always been grateful for it. She'll always look out for him.

Mion Sonozaki ღ

Mion mai girl o/ Emiri loves her mischievous streak and she's great for plotting and conniving and all sorts of other fun things. That, and Mion is just fun in general, and she has a boyfriend, so she is another Invincible Girl in Love. Best combo.

Ranka Lee ღ

Ranka how are you older ;-; Emiri likes her and thinks she's a very sweet and talented girl who she can always go to when she has boy problems, because Ranka somehow seems to understand where she's coming from. Most of the time, though, she feels more like the older one. Since Ryoji's departure, she feels that Ranka's grown tremendously, and is very proud and relieved that she was able to reach closure.

Timon ღ

Timon is so much fun to tease, once Emiri got over the "omg talking rat" shock. She thinks he's pretty sarcastic for a talking rat, but she enjoys their banter and considers it a great victory when she one-ups him. She'd get protective over him if something happened, though.

Orihime Inoue ღ

Oh Orihime you are so... odd. But she's enthusiastic and cute and is hilarious to fluster, and being stuck in a room on Halloween is great for bonding times. Emiri really wouldn't mind talking to her more.

Vash the Stampede ღ

ROOF-BREAKER. Although Emiri was really pissed off when he caused destruction to her hut, Vash came off as being too dorky and OMG GRASS OMG FLOWERS for her to stay mad for too long. She's kind of taken it upon herself to introduce him to as much Earth life as possible, and is more than a little horrified at just how many scars he's got for someone who's all about love and peace.

Katara ღ

Emiri and Katara are a force to be reckoned with, with similar personalities and the same sense of humor. It just amuses her to watch her reaction to technology, and it awakens her enthusiasm to help out with that. In short, Emiri sees Katara as a fun person and can't wait to get to know her even more.

Shadow the Hedgehog ღ

WHY HELLO THERE GIANT MUTATED DUST BUNNY-- really, Emiri thinks Shadow is kind of the most amusing thing ever. It's just hard to understand how he can be an ultimate life form, so she doesn't really take him seriously. But she also doesn't mock him (much) and thinks he's pretty interesting for a talking animal.

Last updated: 5 January 2010.

ooc, relationships

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